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Kids Say the Darndest Things About Marriage

Kids try to help out …

Via iwastesomuchtime.com

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4 February 2012 Internet 4 Comments


  • Jack says:

    Too funny. Love some of the young girl comments like boys need someone to clean up after them and boys have something to say if you listen long enough. It’s good to know girls so young already think men have so many short comings.
    Good thing the girls need us for a few things or else they would probably really hate us all together.

  • Mariela says:

    OMG!!!! This is sooooo funny!! 😆
    Thanks for sharing.

  • chuki_mama says:

    We couldn’t stop laughing at the first comment from Alan age 10 — especially about the part where “she should keep the chips and dip coming.”

  • Bumper Save says:

    Funny! The last one from Ricky, age 10, made me think of Mater:

    “She looked just like a Jaguar, but she was a truck. I used to bump into her just so I could spoke to her.”

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