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1:48 pm
September 2, 2013



Radiator Springs Tourist

posts 70

I want everybody's opinion what is your favorite toy store out of the following,  target, Wal-Mart, Toysrus, or Kmart.Confused  

2:30 pm
September 2, 2013


Charlotte, NC

Team 95 Roadie

posts 154

Whichever has the latest cars in stock.

3:29 pm
September 2, 2013


New Orleans

Radiator Springs Tourist

posts 72

Same as fongkx – whichever has the latest in stock.  Do like the reliability of TRU to a certain extent.  If you visit on truck day(s) you can pretty much cross it off for the week.  Then again, if you can't hit it on truck day, you can pretty much guarantee it'll be picked clean by the time that you can get there.  

5:38 pm
September 2, 2013


New York


posts 363

Depends on what area you're in. Most people rely on Walmart, while in my town Target is the only store that gets new stock.

Ya did what in yer cup?

9:04 pm
September 2, 2013



posts 363

Wal-Mart is the best for me. There's one 20 minutes away, one an hour away and one an hour away in the other direction that I can check once in a while. Kmart has one an hour away in one direction and another in the other near two of those Wal-Marts. The only TRU is like 2 hours away, i've been there once…and i've seen a Target a few hours away, but never been to any.

4:53 pm
September 3, 2013



WGP Racer

posts 305

Target for me.

12:56 pm
September 4, 2013



Radiator Springs Tourist

posts 70

tnks for your posts guys

9:08 pm
September 4, 2013


San Diego


posts 406

Well going off your original question, best TOY store would be TRU!  They carry stuff that the others don't.

Best for CARS would all depend on the selection at the time like everyone else's response.  Target & Walmart would go back and forth, with Tru and then Kmart bringing up the rear.  Even with the Kmart days exclusives, I've found more items at my Tru.

I'd have to put in the Disney Store in the middle as they get the items that they advertise which is always a good thing. 🙂

2:50 pm
September 27, 2013

Traction MainBolts


posts 4

Post edited 2:51 pm – September 27, 2013 by Traction MainBolts

Here in Canada TRU, But somebody who i met today said she gets all the new cars and goes to TRU Everyday. But walmart only has Lighning's and Materhosen's

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