Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Kmart Cars Day #9 – Missing One …
MattyCollector posted a tiny graphic showing off the next Kmart CARS Day diecasts and it is missing “the one,” that might cause you to rip something something a new one since we’re not getting a new one called RIP.
So, the good news is that everyone will have a shot at getting the NOW EXCLUSIVE Mary Esgocar and Alex Hugo with Party Hat singles … and also mostly complete the silver metallic racers with versions of Miguel, Lewis, Nigel and Max Schnell.
But yea, it’s a rip there’s no Rip.
And I know no one will rest in peace that there is no Rip.
Okay, I’ll stop.
It’s hard to tell from the tiny photo if Lightning is a repeat or with different rims – they look vaguely blue but it’s hard to tell from a small low res pic.
No case assortment info but hopefully, there’s two of each of the non racers – leaving 20 CARS in the case – there won’t be a straight split of 4 of each of the rest … most likely there will be 6 Lightning McQueen’s so 3-4 of each of the remainder …
Thanks for the heads up, “BMW.”
So, I guess on Kmart CARS Day #10, it’ll be rubber tire versions of the Apple CAR & Rip Clutchgoneski, plastic tire Tach o Mint, plastic tire Apple CAR & Rip Clutchgoneski, chrome Rip Clutchgoneski, rubber tire chrome Lightning McQueen, flaming cherry red chrome Lightning McQueen with a chase Gold Leaf Lightning McQueen?
Who’s willing to bet? It’s a lock, right?
Yea, who would buy a case of those? Better just redo the CARS 2 racers with traveling wheel rims, right?

what i was really looking forward to this cars event just for RIP… if anybody needs me to pick a set let me know. I have 2 Kmarts in a 2 mile radious and have plenty of cases available for me…maciasgladys at y mail dot com
That seller in Ohio, well I spoke with him and he also had a Cartney for sale as well.
He had both of them with bent cards as well, and since my son opens them and displays them, I jumped all over them….Paid a little more than I wanted but…..
This makes me mad.
I told my son that there would be a silver Rip coming out.
That is what makes me the maddest about this.
HATING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have seen Rip on ebay as a launcher. In the 1:55 scale. I can’t remember which China seller had him. There is still hope for getting him. Patience, that’s the key. If you can wait–you might score.
I just checked Ebay and there is a seller in Ohio that has the rip launcher. He is in the USA by the look of things. Happy hunting.
Well there’s one in Germany too … with free shipping.
Nicely done Mattel no Rip, wait yeah there’s a rip-ped off!!
I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?!?
Even worse this is the weekend of my 20th high school reunion, how am I supposed to drag myself to the Kmart of my youth at 9am?
First no regular Rip, no rubber tire Rip, no chrome Rip, NOTHING!!! If nothing improves by November I’m switching to all time Hot Wheels.
There has never been a Kmart Day Event in memory without a Mcqueen, is that right?
Mattel sends another Mcqueen variant ( how many are there now?) instead of the one car we all want?
(MET: I can understand a LM repeat or even a variant but no Rip is puzzling).
I think there’s still hope, it seems like they wouldn’t have another chrome Lightning, maybe the posters a mistake, maybe there’s a rip?
Kmart make a mistake? What are you?…high?
grrrrrr …. RIP must be stuck behind a wall of red tape … it is just sad … makes a grown man cry … :'{
“Just when I thought I was back in, they push me out”
Mattell Car-leone
Back with my diecast mistress a month & the honeymoon is over. Thats it Im taking my collection and going home Mattell….Ok Mattell you know I’ll stay. You know just what to do. A dozen long card red McQueens for me, you should’nt have. I MEAN YOU SHOULD’NT HAVE.
bentaxle, you make me laugh, just so happens I have been reading the Godfathers Revenge…
It will be all the racers except LM with parking boots on their front left tire. Followed by Kmart day 11 wih the boot on their front right tire.
sniffle…RIP Rip
I saw the ad on Mattycollector too.
Thanks BMW.
reminder: anyone overseas wanting Kmart Cases needs to get with me before the online sale.
Stay classy, Mattel.