Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecasts: Stock? I’ll Show You Stocked!
Ah, the restock, reset and re-configuration is finally here!
Yep. About 11 pegs down – 6 rows across times about 6 CARS per peg, that’s just about 1,000 Finn’s, Lightning, Mater’s and some Franceso’s.
No need to order any more cases. Enough CARS to last the holiday season.
There are only 4 singles in this series, RIGHT? RIGHT?
At least the situation is better in Australia, right?
Looks like they are of Lightning’s and Francesco’s so much, much better!
They don’t even have 1,000 Finn’s – just a few hundred – should sell that like iPhone hotcakes. Should be gone in minutes, right?
Thanks for the pics, “Quercy” and “Andrew T.” They are nice in one aspect, very symmetrical and orderly. That is what people want at a retail store, right?
How many Finn’s does a man need before he is called a Finn … if I had a hammer …

Only new Cars stuff my Wally gets in are the newest playsets! Not funny. Lol.
This looks exactly like the fred meyers up here in Washington. WTH
Wow….thanks Mattel!!
Here in Italy i found 4 Long Ge,4 Flash, 5 or 6 Galloping Geargrinder,about 20 Prince Wheeliams…and nothing else…. I never NEVER seen a Finn McMissile or Mater…..Incredibile( unbelievable)………………..
Wow! Where does one go in Italy to get some Cars? Is there Toys R Us in Italy? Some toy store? Next month, I’m traveling to Italy with my wife (her business with friends, I’m just her date/body guard), if possible, I may go Cars hunting! LOL! Crazy far to hunt for a few cars…
Keep dreaming Luca!
11 columns * 6 rows = 66 pegs total
6 cars per 66 pegs = 396 cars, not 1,000
Everytime I read the word ‘stock’ now, I always hear it in Kabuto’s voice.
I can tell you that the Australian photos are similar to many stores over here. Some get a few ‘new’ things here and there, but most, sadly, are still using the remnants from the launch over a year ago. It’s not just singles but Oversized and 2 packs as well. Nice way to kill a toy line.
What store is the top picture from?
Case A’s are still being restocked from May 2011. A Super Target nearby just restocked with Deluxe Case A, and another collector reported a Case A singles restocked at Walmart.
Same situation in a lot of UK stores! Boxes with the dreaded red stripe and the words don’t put on shelves until……..
I think some stores put excess case A’s aside and only bring them out as stock runs low, they surely can’t receive case A when ordering new cases.
I took the first two picture at Fred Meyer… that is not counting what was in the alley!!! Alleluiha ! 🙂
a complete and total barforama
Yeah, the top one or two is Fred Meyer. They have a ridiculous ordering system. You never know what they are going to get or how many. My guess is that end cap is the result of several stores worth of leftovers from the original four sided cubes that came out. We have a similar situation at one of our Freddys. Literally a hundred mater, mcqueen and francesco. They need a buy one get three free sale!
i don’t think I’m going to check my Walmarts any time this week…
I skipped mine after a few weeks (months, years) of ramped-up, diligent checking and just missed my chance at Galloping Geargrinder. :I
Just when we thought there was a cars shortage.