Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 2: Exclusives Checklist By Retailer
Here is the breakdown by retailer exclusives – keep in mind that some of the “exclusives” are only the configuration or the ‘box’ itself … it’s like saying partly cloudy or partly sunny … technically, it’s correct but it may not mean much of anything.
With CARS 1, there were not a lot of releases where a variant or ‘exclusive’ release was marked as such even though the only real difference was eye position or expression. It’s clear with CARS 2, the word ‘exclusive’ is now much more broad.
So now, ‘exclusive’ encompasses one or more of these definitions and parameters.
1) Available only to a retailer in this packaging configuration.
2) Available only to a retailer in this packaging configuration with another vehicle(s).
2) Available only to a particular retailer (aka: might be available in another configuration at this retailer).
3) Available only to a retailer with this expression & eye position.
4) Available only to this retailer in this design motif (current year).
5) Available only to this retailer with, without an accessory or additional extra (ie: trading card).
6) Available to this retailer in this particular deco or color.
7) If we snipe it as exclusive.
So, now when you see the word EXCLUSIVE, it’s like saying PARTLY SUNNY – it might mean 70 degrees and cloudy with a 25% chance of rain or it might mean 55 degrees and cloudy with zero percent chance of rain.
So, your buying strategy?
If you’re an opener and you want to try to keep duplicates to a minimum, you might consider starting with the largest box sets and working your way down. However, the TRU 10-pack is not due out until late May to mid-June so you might have another 2-4 weeks before it’s available – can you wait that long before beginning to buy CARS? 🙂
It’s almost as if they planned it that way. 🙂
Each TRU box seems to contains at least one ‘exclusive’ but that is ‘subjective.’ In one case, it looks like a Lightning McQueen eye position-face expression is different than any other we’ve seen so far. And the Wasabi Mater that was “exclusive” in the Toyko Race Party 5-pack is also now available in the 10-pack – same expression? Unknown but presumably so – leaving the Kabuki Dancer #1 & #2 as the only true exclusives.
(Each retailer is a separate JPEG file)
(Thanks MCL Sydney for the updated 5-pack pics).
The Wasabi Mater is not as hilarious as the Disney Store one – Mater’s tongue is “green” but it’s not very extended though he has crazy eyes.
And McQueen’s eye position in the Porto Corsa box seems to be in a position not previously seen but until we get everything released in the other boxes, it’s just a first look guess.
Target’s ‘exclusives’ are mostly really configuration exclusives – and if you want to scoop up everything in big chunks like all the first wave racers which are not coming out as singles until much later in the year – and you save money by not buying them as launchers. Again, until they get released – it’s impossible to verify if every eye position & expression is the same or different.
The last listed 4-pack may not be out until mid-June.
Walmart’s exclusives are actually easier as each of the two-packs seems to contain one vehicle not available elsewhere – so if you want a complete set, you’ll have to buy them – along with an extra CAR.
While the Pit Crew Mater with headphones (and it seems with an ‘exclusive’ expression) has been spotted so we can presume it will be available on May 16th – the Pit Crew 2-packs have not been spotted anywhere so perhaps they might not be available until later in June or even with the Kmart CARS Day on June 25?
So, if you buy EVERYTHING or nearly everything on the list above, the following list is what you will need to buy to complete the wave 1 releases in its entirety.
These are NOT retailer exclusives (though the three-packs are technically available at all stores to EVERYONE but the Big 4 so in a way, they are an exclusive). 5 of the 7 deluxe releases are available in the 3-packs so it can be an either or choice if you are an opener completist – sothey are listed both ways depending on what you prefer.
Also note, it seems pretty likely there will be some sales going on – whether it’s next week or closer to June 24th … so don’t let the current retail price be your only guide.
And an update to the overall checklist – so good luck!
The TRU 10-pack is not listed as it’s not likely to be released until mid-June. Completists will have to buy it anyway to get the Kabuki Dancers but I didn’t want anyone planning on buying that one first as the foundation … since it may not be out for another 3-5 weeks …
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Just discovered another 4 pack via a Cars the Toys Member
Racing 4 Pack (Miguel)
Miguel Camino
Carla Fan
Raoul CaRoule
McQ (Can’t tell which wheels)
Discovered as in …. found in the store??? if so … where, where, where!! (and do not say Target … we already know that 😆 )
vorrei comprare tutta la collezzione di cars xche a mio bambino se l hanno prese e sta male e li vorrei ricomprare x favore fatemi sapere grazzzie..
My son is 3 years old we just started to collect from the first movie since he seen the movie like 200 times if not more LOL his dad had a hard time finding the Piston Cup race cars the only one he needs now is the APPLE White car and he is just waiting on a great deal to buy it krazy man! well i had to join in the fun too! I have most of all the Cars 2 cars in the closet waiting for that big day! My son is going to get a big surprize when he opens tha closet.
Do you expect Headphones Fillmore to be released as a single later on?
Maybe on Kmart day 6 or 7?
Went to Walmart today in Colorado Springs CO and they had the single cars out. Also got the Double Decker Bus. Turned out to be a good day. 🙂
Hmm… couple of things
1. On the checklist matrix, shouldn’t there be 2 Shu Todorokis under the Target 4 pack?
2. What happened to Sonia? It was listed as a single in the v4 checklist but somehow disappeared???
I believe the same happened with “Sebastian.”
Raoul Caroule used to be known as Sebastian and is still listed as Sebastian on
Oh that explains it. A quality name change, IMO.
I got my hands on both a Finn McMissile and a Holly Shiftwell earlier this morning at my local Kohls! Anyone else find any yet??
yellow acer ís small
I must be the only one having a hard time getting pumped up about buying characters from a movie we haven’t even seen yet, and won’t for about 45 days.
With Cars 1, the fun was finding the Cars of the characters that we fell in love with AFTER seeing the movie.
I hope to have the willpower to keep the brakes on until after June 24, as this is just too much, too soon. Time will tell.
Wow, well put Tim! I couldn’t have said it better myself.
As soon as we saw “Cars” on opening day 2006, we were so enamored we went straight over to KB Toys to buy the kids some of the characters. I’m still taking a day off from work on June 24, and we’re still planning on seeing the movie TWICE that day, so I hope we leave the theater as enamored as five years ago.
You can buy all the packs and deluxe blindly, get all the cars, put them in the closet without looking and wait to see the movie… You will end up with duplicates both ways anyway… 🙂
Yes but last time time was last time. There can also be something said for having some toys before the movie and then recognizing them in the movie as well.
Last movie no one had saw Lightning and all the other characters before so of course seeing the movie made us buy the Cars. This time the Cars line is well known going into the movie so we already know we will want the Cars even if we didn’t see the movie yet.
As for too much too soon. It’s better than the starving periods we went through that’s for sure.
I am looking forward to pegs, stores and shelves bring filled with many new releases.
Not only that but I bet many of these early cars you may think there are too many of available now will wind up being hard to find and more valuable in a year or two from now.
I can’t wait for Sunday night and Monday. A quick Target or two visit Sunday night followed by a a little Wal Mart shopping. Some Kmart and TRU exclusives Monday morning. I’ll take it.
Jack, I hope you have some luck at your TRU when the big day comes, as I spoke to someone that we know at our store who checked the back room and found NOTHING for Cars 2 yet! Nothing! Hopefully, things will get rolling before Monday and they’ll get a truck with Cars 2 stuff on it, but with the old Cars (1) stock still hanging on their shelves, I have my doubts that their replenishment system will kick anything their way.
That’s what I was thinking…all those Semis and way too high priced lentis and toons..I doubt it!
With all the semis hanging everywhere it’s as if I don’t even see them when I go in the stores and they look like empty pegs to me. If I really think about it, those semis are in just about every store. They are already a liability to every store just because they have taken up space for two years now. Kmart, TRU, and Walmart are still filled with them. They should take a lesson from Target and clear them out. If they would mark them down to a dollar each, I know I would buy one of each. Better for the stores to take a small loss on each than to clog peg space from something that would actually sell.
I’m not taking off work Monday, so it looks like it will be a long day.
Hopefully a lot of places will put out the goods on Sunday.
I’ll be checking this site at work on Sunday, so I hope everyone will keep me posted!
Can’t wait for May 16th! I put up a countdown for it in my room. 7 more days left!
Whats the best and cheapest way to get all the racers? I was thinking of getting two Target 4 packs and then just buy singles of Raoul and Nigel? What do you guys think?
Attention to those that are getting turned down at Kmart stores with new “Cars” stuff on the pegs:
I have just been contacted by Kmart VP’s and they would like to know store numbers and address’s for these Maters and other items that you are getting turned down at the registers for. Kmart is NOT happy that these are ON the pegs and then not letting people buy them.
Email me back at
With store #, address of the specific store please.
Thank you.
Don’t forget Sears!
Met, what would be the most cost-effective way to get these if you are not a collector that must have every set? I just want one each of these… maybe not even everybody… just enough for my son to recreate the scenes from the movie. No money for all of them.
There is a 5th 4 pack on .I just pre-ordered it. It has miguel camino, mcqueen, raoul & little green racer #8. Target has all 5 of the 4 packs for pre-order. Thet also have 7 pack available !!
There are 2 7 packs on right now.
The new Target 7 pack is called on Target’s website:
Tokyo Victory 7 pack
Sarge, Fillmore, Darrel Cartrip, Carla,Mcqueen, Mater, Francesco.
Here’s McQueen’s fan that everyone’s been asking about:
I am so glad that Max is also in this 4 pack so I won’t be buying it for just one car.
Wow, he is cool! The car. Well you and John are cool too. Love that car.
Gracias John!
if i counted right, that makes an even 50 new cars so far for cars 2. 2006 series 1 only had 25. This is going to be a tough battle. And we know thats not over cause PLANES will most likly keep the cars rollin. You say mabee not? why would mattel stop if there making good profit? planes sound bigger More metal? more money. MORE CARS! i need a cheaper hobby…stamps? cards?? mighty beans? Barbies!?HOT WHEELS sounds nice and cheap (and small cheaply made)
Cars Series 1 really had 21 off the bat — Green Ramone, Dinoco McQueen, Leakless, and Nitroade came out a little later that Summer. Man I miss those glory days!
In Soviet Russia, Cars collect us.
How do you say sucker in Chinese? You have to be kidding yourself if you think all of these “exclusive” releases are for the kids. They are to jam it down the throats of the collectors.
MET – do you have any information on the June K-Mart day? Do you think they will come out with one more run of rubber wheeled racers from Cars 1? It would be nice to finish out that series, and close the chapter on this Mattel scam.
How much will the 10pack cost?
Toys R Us has just started pre-sales for Cars 2 items on their website.
They even have new Cars 2 cars for their wooden Cars line. They named Francesco and Carla’s crew chiefs: Giuseppe Motorosi and Cruz Besouro. It’s hard to discern in the tiny picture, but Cruz may be a classic VW Bug.
The wood Finn and Acer set is cute… has their presales up too. A new dpci for a lights and sounds 4 pack at 34.99 haven’t heard about before.
There is also a 4 pack presale listing. It has a picture of the Mcqueen Fan, he’s a mini cooper.
Saw this post on stitch kingdom yesterday. So ..
PARKING LOT IS FULL — The “Cars 2” character team built 145 new character models for the film and 781 variants. These variants, which are primarily background cars, include 13 model variants – unique character models that are based on other new models – and 768 shading variants – models that are re-used from classic and new “Cars,” “Cars 2” and “Cars Toons” models, but with new, unique paint schemes. In total, there are 926 new characters in “Cars 2.”
Even corporate executives at the major oil companies are shaking their heads and thinking “I can’t afford to collect anymore!”.
So funny. I guess the price of gas is going up so that the execs can afford all of the Cars. 2 of each, right?
This will go down in history as “The Cars-Contra Affair”.
MOMMA MIA!! (and tia)
Thanks so much, Met!
Is Petrov going to be among Monday’s singles?
It’ll be interesting to see if kids and their parents respond to all these F1 racers and beat-up European sedans. It’s a different mix than the more familiar Cars 1 fleet. But they sure make for terrific character designs, and I love the rusty, boxy bad guys. Still, when I came across them all at Kohl’s the other day, I found myself really being careful about which ones I wanted, just like I did at the Disney Store a few weeks ago. (Disney’s are definitely more “toy”-like…I see the difference now among the ones I’ve bought from both Cars 2 lines.)
(MET: Petrov is available only in a box set as of now).
THANK YOU for the “Kohl’s” heads up… I just cam back from my Kohls and spent wayyyyyyyyyyy tooooooooooooo much money but I did get 10 of the 15 singles, 3 of the 4 Pit Stops, and all 3 of the Three Packs… Oh well I am now HOOKED!
Apparently Missouri has the nation’s highest test scores on reading comprehension, because when the box says “Not until May 16” I think that means “Not until May 16”!!! With the exception of Family Dollar, I haven’t seen one bit of Cars 2 merchandise yet.
Thanks Met…I went out and got the Petrov 3-pack at Kohl’s…I’d been waiting for singles of him and Acer on Monday, but I paid extra so I’d have Petrov. Now, what to do with a bright purple diecast girl-car with wings…
I don’t think I’ve ever been in a Kohl’s before this…thanks for the tip!
Case e singles are up on ebay with Petrov as a single.
Save money buy singles!
Does anyone have a complete case listing for C, D, and E?
WOW. Mmonday is going to be a crazy day
Um, wow, so…has anyone calculated the $$$ for this first salvo? Also, how many Finn McMissiles will you end up with if you buy one of each on this list? I feel a contest is in order!
Thanks Met!
I’m glad I’m not the only one about ready to scream. Too much, too soon. I know we all wanted new stuff, but this is overkill.
Thanks for all the charts & lists Met. It will make it a little easier to sort through what I’m going to buy. I think my strategy is going to be…buy what I see, bring it all home, sort it out, return the overage.
That’s my plan Micky!! 🙂
Agree. Overkill indeed. You get the worrying feeling the storyline of the movie has had major input from the marketing department.
I have not decided yet on any strategy (easy since nothing is available here in Europe yet) but I may stick to a limited set of main characters and no variants at all.
So just the basic Finn only. Well, maybe also the submarine version. And the hydrofoil…….bugger
Scooby, where in Europe are you? I’m in Austria and i found some in a small city in Germany near us last week (singles, MM, Launchers and some otheres). Then i went to our TRU and found all singles from case A and all Play Sets too.
you haven’t said – what is your plan?
(MET: I’m in … I’ll check … and charge).
WOW!!! Did I just count up to 49 line items?
Found three of the “Character Stars” 3-packs at Kohl’s over the weekend. They had Finn McMissile submarine with Grem and Professor Z, Holley Shiftwell with wings with Grem and “A Trunkov” (presumably Petrov Trunkov, but identified on the package as “A Trunkov”), and the bus with LMQ & Mater. There was also an “oil rig escape” playset with plastic-bodied McMissile and Professor Z, but at a list price of $37 I left it on the shelf.
Do you have a photo of the box with A Trunkov? If so, could you email me a copy.
carsdiecast70 at
I’ll see if I can take some pix this evening.
Looking at this list………..the option for retirement and sticking with just Cars 1 is looking pretty good right now…..
I think I’m pretty much with you on this one!
Amen! I am wondering if there is going to be a little ‘burnout’ in the toy aisles with all the different releases. The average buyer (not collector) is going to see too much to buy. I’m wondering how long the hype will last after the cartoon is released. Will all this stuff be in demand by Christmas? And, will there be more thrown on the market later? And, will there is a re-release of Cars One castings with new card stock? You know Cars One will be re-released on a two pack with Cars Two near Thanksgiving. Will there be a re-release of all the Cartoon castings?
Just thinking!!!
WOW…Thanks Met…
i’m worried……
You stole the words right out of my mouth… Err keyboard!!!
I am so glad I am not collecting these puppies cause I would surely be goin’ crazy by now!!!!!n
WOW!!! LOok at all those amazing cars!!!!! I want them !!!!!!
ARGGGG!!! The horror!!! I guess I still have a few days to decide before they actually hit the shelves eh!?!?!?!? HA!
I’m slave of collection…I must find a cure..
Agree 100%
Thanks so much Met!
Mamma mia..that’s what I’m thinking!!
Is the 10 pack gonna be available on may 16th ???
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH list overload!!!! 😆 Thanks a ton for them … now to decide what the heck I am DOING!!! 😀
Thanks Met!!
the 10 pack TRU item # is : 61-9189
$44.99 when I checked last
Thanks Met this is really useful… cant wait.
Thanks for another great list… I’m trying to decide which store to go to first on the 16th…