Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Early Kmart Case Unboxing Pics
“Albert Hinkey” was nice enough to send along some photos …
Pesky kids, always throwing stuff on the front lawn …
Hey, these are not the lenticulars I ordered!
Hey dad, you finally ordered a decent case this time! I think I’ll open this one first and then this one and then this one and then this one and this one ….
Your case looks perfect and correct, Albert Hinkey.
« Shipping & Confirmation Issues UPDATE 6/19 6:40 PM PDT | TakeFiveADay Tumblr Backup Plan … It’s All Coming Together » |

FAO LORRI! – Hope you get to see this. I am having trouble emailing you again, my messages keep getting sent back to me, but yours get through to me, weird! If possible could you please check my case to see if it has the correct contents? I can pay you the money first thing tomorrow, (Monday). Thanks a lot!
mmatthie- That doesn’t sound good! I wonder if it was oversubscribed and K Mart is waiting for returns from distribution centers?
Steve – My orders still day “In Process” on the Kmart site, they didn’t ship yet!
My case was shipped June 16th and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, 6/22. Check your tracking number, presumably United Parcel Service, at their website. It will give you the notification date and the transit information.
Ok can some one explain to me how I could’ve placed my pre-orders literally in the first hour of the FIRST presale day, but now have to wait until the 29th to get my cases in the mail? How on earth does that work? I thought they were shipping the eve of the 19th?
I had no ordering problems like some had with declined cards or whatever…everything was smooth on my hour-one purchasing.
Can someone fill me in as to why/how I wouldn’t have gotten my cases as early as possible since I bought them (preorder) so early?
Samuel, I think the big error was the lack of the customary ad in last Sunday’s newspaper insert. The stores in my area did not put the posters out until this week. If the casual buyer/collector did not know about the event from the Internet or making a trip to a K Mart during the week, they would not know if it. I’m sure the left overs at the k Mart I went to will soon be gone by the casual toy shopper.
Well maybe the presale worked TOO well, my store had 12 cases for only 3 of us!!! My inner self wanted to buy them all, how do you leave so many Todds and Mood Springs, etc just laying there? I picked up plenty of extras though and still have cases being delivered. Wow!!
Tacoma WA (Portland Ave K Mart). Sixteen cases for fifteen collectors, no dealers present. Ticket pull for the extra case and the four posters. Tons of Cars left on the table. I scored one of the posters. Now to wait for the UPS driver tomorrow.
Happy Hunting! 🙂
12 cases in Northerm Michigan and only 9 people.
They were actually going to do the raffle this time to make it fair. Did not need it, everone was happy!
20 min to go…
Pretty good experienc in Billerica, MA. Got two everything except for Mini. She actually went pretty quickly, couldn’t even get one. The only thing I didn’t like is the people coming last minute to get a ticket who had no idea what the event was for, but would get one just to get one.
Well, here’s what we found at Kmart at 11:00 EST.
They brought out 6 cases, with just my wife and I standing there waiting.
So, they handed us both a case, letting us take as many as we wanted.
An older guy came in, but he was more of a Hot Wheels collector…….he was actually looking for Barney Stormin’.
A woman was looking them over, but when she realized they weren’t 97 cent Hot Wheels, she lost a little interest.
So, it was literally just me and my wife with 6 cases to pick through. Hello Mario!
LIVE from Utah its Saturday DAY…….
The other 6 inches of that machete are deep in the box in that picture. I do things with gusto.
If anyone is going to do Twitter this year…..
Larger white customs form SAMPLE:
FAO 50clockshadow, did you get my Email again the other day?
It was the second attempt.
If not could you please email me at
and i can let you know my Kmart needs.
This LARGER WHITE, multi-part form is an over 4lbs form that you use at the United States Post Office. It IS ONLINE TRACKABLE. …Includes SOME insurance
The Green / White UNDER 4 lbs form DOES NOT include insurance. Not trackable either
If anyone else is sending stuff overseas and has questions about the larger white customs form
I have a sample prepared to share with you and your customer(s)/ trader should you need information. Or not sure how to fill one out.
Green / white form: (under 4 lbs)
Is NOT online trackable
I have had some questions about opening and sending correct cases….
I cant open all 68.. and make sure.
We are off to KMart day today after my son’s 9:00 t-ball game (eek, hope we get there in time). Can’t wait to hear everyone’s stories. Should be interesting. Matt – maybe I’ll see you there.
Just went to my Local Kmart in NEW ENGLAND to get my ticket.
I was first in line.
I will keep you posted as to the 11AM outcome.
Yikes…what’s up with that “box opener” machette!
My cases were ordered early on during the first presell day…
Let’s try to stay optimistic………good luck to everyone in your searches at whatever Kmarts you choose to visit. I’m sure that we’ll all have stories to tell later today! As Mack would say: “Thank the Manufacturer!”
I had hoped to avoid the K-Mart event due to the anticipated mayhem. However, now I’m compelled to go and buy anything and everything I can get my grubby hands on. I will not find out if I am skunked until Monday. First thing to do when the UPS driver comes to the door is to check to make sure the case has not been tampered with. The pictures in this posting look as if the case were factory sealed.
Nice shots and great story. FYI I posted just a while ago that my case 614/807 was the correct assortment. Can’t tell without looking at the UPS tracking if this was a case from June 3rd or 5th. I haven’t opened the others but One has 599/807 on it the other similar high number but don’t know yet whats inside..
Matt has a good point., but Uncle Skippy did say that the case # was low that bad and the one with the higher case # was as expected, so who knows.
To follow-up, do we know if the problematic assortment cases were ordered in the first or second pre-sale. If the second, there could be an issue of availability of some of the cars, and thus, they filled the remainder with filler so to speak.
I am really diggin the logos at the top of the cards with the names….. a real nice touch. Went to the K-Mart site, and confirmed shipment of my cases. Was sent over the the UPS tracking page, and noticed that they are here in town as of 6:00 pm tonight, but no delivery until Monday…….. Big brown, how can we get into our stash???? Really want to check the case contents.!?!?! Do we have any other case oddities other than the one Uncle Skippy case?
In Southern California the shaggy surfer hair is par for the course. I’m not used to it being from the midwest, but my wife loves it. I have to admit it looks good on him with the curls.
Quote of the night after getting to open Lil Torquey Pistons: Son – *pointing at Mood Springs* “Daddy! We have to open that one too!”
Dad – “Why is that buddy”
Son – “Because he is sad in stuck in that box”
A kid after my own heart….
(MET: Very cute and 100% percent correct – CARS in blisters are sad … 🙂 CARS with paint chips and dents are happy!)
There is a girl in my boys’ class that loves all the boys stuff. She wears Thomas t-shirts and Hot Wheels undies. It’s very cute.
It is very exciting!!! Also, your kid’s hair looks just like my son’s hair! Everyone always thinks he’s a girl, even when he has his Lightning baseball cap on.
Very cool! I just KNOW I will not get any sleep tonight!
Niiiiice, can hardly wait. Will not be able to sleep tonight. Can we get a closeup of Mini?