TakeFiveADay Questions & Answers …
If you have some questions – we might have some answers …
So, ask away and maybe the answers will be useful to many others …
« Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The New Tomica Box Set | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Return & News of Sarge » |

I just bought powdered water… what do I mix it with???
I bought baby powder, what happens when I add water???
Either that or diet coke…
Why does Chuck Manifold have no license plate?
Why do launchers not have codes in them, even though it shows the game on the back of the package?
Are the Kmart days the only time and place we will see these Piston Cup Racers with faux rubber tires? And will it only be the Piston Cup Racers with these tires?
I would prefer it that way. If they’re going to be KMart exclusives, WHY NOT go all the way with “rubber” tires and special packaging? I was glad to see Re-Volting and Vinyl Toupee on their October KMart Cars Day list, since those have only been available in the MSOS and a couple of the Target sets…..now we’ll be able to get them on their own cards!
When will we know if all haulers will also be released as Mega Size Semis? And what about the non-racing-team haulers, like Gil and Jerry?
Will Mattel ever put out a 3-pack that doesn’t have at least one repeat?
I was gonna say no, but then doesn’t the upcoming dinoco showgirls 3-pack come with a new expression McQueen?
Technically, he is still listed as plain old Lightning McQueen though. I wouldn’t really call him ‘NEW’. I guess when I meant new, I meant brand new. Like why can’t they make one of those hauler team sets with some new cars instead of making us buy two that we already have just to get one new one. JMO.
OOOOO – OOOOO Pick me!!!!!!
Have we covered the topic about icar and Revolting both havin’ the number 84???
Question #2 – There are WOC gift packs of team Spare Mint out there… Any idea how many actually made it to production… ???
Or will they just keep makin’ them so long as idiots like me keep buyin’ them – Thinkin’ they are rare and legit…???
I have 3 Nitroade Pitty’s. 2 have frowns, 1 has a smile. What gives?
We know which one got the promotion now don’t we π
I have a lot of questions about Case H. EIGHT MCQUEENS AGAIN? WTH?! I dont care if one of them is the recycled Impound McQ. Which by the way was supposed to be limited as a chase, NO?
I am totally bummed that they are counting on Todd to sell this case. If I cant find him on my own, I will buy him from Slice. Or, gasp, ebay.
When will Mattel stop putting so many GD McQueens in a case????????????
Tell us how you really feel π
I know, sorry I went off. I am getting discouraged! Im seriously not even going to buy these retail OR by the case anymore. Just ebay. When there is only two or at the most 3 new cars coming out each month its cheaper by far just to save my gas and time and be done. The new ones get picked off so quick and then the stores are left with pegwarmers.
I’m sure there are plenty people here who can keep you hooked up with whatever ya need.
Question 1)
Do we have any reason to believe that Vinyl Toupee, Sidewall Shine, or N20 Cola will be re-released as racers or singles in the future??
Question 2) (and Met, I was promised an answer on this today! LOL)
Are the orginal sized Barney Stormin, Fred, and TJ along with “Clown Lips” Darrel Cartrip now “reitred cars”?
(MET: Did I say what Thursday? π )
Vinyl Toupee and N2O Cola are on the list for the 2nd(1st is in June) 2009 KMart CARS Day in October.
I think Barney Stormin’ in the oversized package is the same size as in the Wal-Mart package.
Mater is based in part on North Carolina’s Douglas Keever, whose nickname was used by Pixar for the lovable tow truck in Cars:
My question is, will there be a character in Cars 2 based on MegaHeat?
The MegaHeat character will always be yelling because it was written in all caps. π
I read that in Cars II they boat they are going over to Europe on gets captured by Pirates, and MeGaHeAt is the Name of the PirateShip, MeGaHeAt-A1113 to be exact!!!
Are they still making Movie Moments? I hardly EVER see them anymore, and when I do they are the old ones. Are the gift packs replacing them? Has anyone else’s Target discontinued their haulers and if so does anyone know why? And my biggest question ~ WHY, WHY do they make a semi in the mega sizes when they are releasing the haulers? It is the same thing, who wants two Mack semis? I only bought Mack but ended up returning him because I realized what’s the use of buying an extra semi to go with each of my haulers? Does not make sense to me, anyone have any thoughts?
If there were a prize on this post, you’d win it for the best questions hands-down!
The only real guess would be is for completist, the semi DOES have a slightly different expression (in the mouth and eyes) then the haulers. A scam for sure, but they are technically different.
My my original guess on the Semi v haulers issue: the semis are an option for those that don’t want to shell out $15 for a hauler, but their kids want Mack. Makes less sense for all the other haulers though.
yes they are still making movie moments but it would appear that they are only currently being released in Europe etc. I found the new Chick and Bruiser Bukowski Movie Moment Yesterday!
Will Texas Tea Hummer make an appearance in Cars 2?
Is it better to keep your Cars in the package or open and display them?
Does anyone on this forum have every car in every package ever released?
LOL I wish…I only buy them for the kiddies and buy extra chase ones to keep tucked away. A completist would cringe at what my kids have done to their cars – from biting off one of the antennaes on flea/flik whatever the name is, snapping pitcrew stuff off the pitcrew chiefs, messing with Boost and DJ’s spoilers and this tops it- just tonight my young son tried to bite Lightning McQueen’s tongue off on the finish line one. lol.
I am with you on this one. None of our cars have any rearview mirrors anymore. No backwards driving for them, even Mater. π
When will we see an annual Cars convention?
Are they releasing Tokyo Mater with Bolt DVD/Blu-Ray Disc’s?
Are they making Tokyo Mater diecasts?
MET…….what if we all got together and figured out a day & date where we could have a MASS VIEWING OF CARS?????
A set time, taking into account time zones around the world, with everyone ready to hit PLAY on their DVD player.
As the movie progresses, we all have the ability to comment and point out things in the movie.
I don’t know if it could be pulled off, but it would be fun to try, wouldn’t it?
What do you think?
I’m in!! Microwave popcorn or chips? Coke or pepsi?
Pirate Pop!
I guess your copy of the movie would be Pirate-ed???
Grand idea, even if it is in the wee hours of the morning.
So how come the lack of single number race cars? I would think 1,2,3,5,6,7 and 9 would be sought after numbers in racing, before 123 or 2 #84’s.
Have you hugged a Pirate Today??
Oh God, no.
When are the newest movie moments set to be released? And what is the case make up going to be?
I heard they were making a LM and his Alarm Clock MM next…then is the Harv the Agent and LM…oh yeah and LM and Bessie were scheduled but then I woke up!!
All future cases will only contain the following:
3 Sally & Cruisin’ McQueen
3 Guido & Luigi Ferrari Fans
3 Luigi & Ferrari F430
3 Tex Dinoco & Dinoco McQueen
My Target just got that case in!!!!!!!!!!!! again!!!!!!!!! π
OK, here’s my mystery questions;
when the Cars Movie was new, and the agreement between Mattel and PIXAR to produce the diecasts was finalized:
1. What year was the first diecast Cars car made?
2. Which car sculpt was the first one released for sale? In other words, which order did they come out in? Was Sarge, Lizzie, Wingo really the first ones or was McQueen and Mater first ?
3. I have a early car that ends in a date code of XXX3 Does that really mean it was made in 2003?
The original release date was November 2005, so my assumption is that the first official ones were made that year as well. I saw a Cars video or something about the making of the movie, and John Lasseter & Company have some diecasts on the conference room table, so maybe you got one of those! How did you come across that?
The original cases had 30 Cars in them, so all 12 hit the pegs at the same time as I recall.
John in M,
first chance to reply. thanks for info.
I have that cd about the making of the movie, but did not recall the diecasts, will have to look again.
I do not know how I came about that car with the date code ending in 3. May have traded for it, or bought it. Do remember the 30 car cases of course. Bought my first one in June or July 06.
We’ve all heard the expression “he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer”, but how come no one ever says “that guy IS the sharpest knife in the drawer”?
Knot sure on the answer to that one John, but I used to be called the brightest bulb cuz I had so many Wahts!!!
Which begs the question “whatever happened to PirateDad since that time?” π
SO one day back and you are already looking to walk the plank…interesting….BUT to answer the question, I started reading take5aday and the brain cells started melting away!!!
Oh man!
People say that about me all the time!
When I submit a comment, it says;
new comment is submiting, please wait a comment…
What does “wait a comment” mean? Should this say “wait a moment” instead?
Just wondering.
When I reply it says “You are repsonding too quickly slow down” and sometimes it says “that was just plain stupid!!”
In the CAAF Auction Case that the exclusive Red Ransburg LM was in, there is a police SUV on the 2nd row from bottom, far right side. Who is it and when will he/she be released?
Richard Kensington security van? Oh, some time in late-2007…
You don;t have that yet…that was a Canadian exclusive, buy 5 Yellow Ramones, 5 Bling Bling McQueen, 5 Green Ramones, and any ONE car from Race O Rama and send in $9.99 plus original receipts and UPC codes nad a drop of blood and hair sample and get a FREE Richard Kensignton SUV…unfortunately not ONE was redeemed due to the lack of Ramones so the Fullfillment Warehouse in Niagara Falls, ON Canada with the broken lock on the back door sits with 250,000 of them unshipped!
I the guy who ran that promotion just plunged down Niagara Falls this week!
It was also included as a special addition to the California Speedway set. So glad you hooked me up with one of those, Pirate!!
Agreed – one of the best trades I ever made!
the suv in question was scrapped by marketing if it should come back in play ….who knows “ANSWER” ? ? ?
I’ll make a guess … mid 2010 in a boxed set with Tom Race Official, replay screen, Marion McCay, and Marco Axelbender.
Will Canada EVER get any new singles? We are currently on Case F of LAST YEAR, while you guys have Case F of this year. MET, can you tell us International folks anything??
Simply answer YEs…when..well we have a couple of sayings here in Canada///when the cows come home…cold day in July…when Mattel freezes over!!!
Isn’t it always cold in Canada??
It sounds like you’re living in a time machine set for March 12, 2008. I’d recommend you drive down to the U.S. and buy a ticket for the March 15, 2008 Powerball lottery. The numbers you should choose are 6-22-42-43-47 and the Powerball 16. Don’t be late!
Don’t you have to be a US resident to collect any lottery winnings?
Well, OK, just mail it to me then!
PirateQuestion of the day….When is Met gonna answer all these questions…I personally long for the illumination of Mr. Metroxing!!
(MET: I predict Saturday).
Guess I will have to wait and see then. I will be in drill all weekend.
What is the significance of A-113 in regards to Pixar? It is on Trev from Cars and the station wagon from Toy Story.
A-113 is a reference to the animation room at California Institute of the Arts, where many Pixar animators studied. It can also be seen on Mater’s license plate, by the way. The number also appears in “Toy Story”.
Ahhhh the magical mystical mysterious return of EdGE!!! Life is good! Plus I did not know that!
And to add to that, in WALL*E, the protocol that AUTO is programmed to follow is A113, and A113 is also the room number Mr. Incredible is instructed to go to in The Incredibles.
Don’t forget Maters licence plate. Pixar hides stuff all over all of their movies. Like Wall-e is in cars, etc….
Toy Story – License plate number on Andy’s Mom’s minivan
A Bug’s Life – Code on cereal box as Flik enters the bug city.
Toy Story 2 – Airport announcement for “LassetAir Flight A113”, also a reference to director John Lasseter.
Monsters, Inc. – Sign seen in the background when Sulley sees Smitty and Needleman loading the trash compactor.
Finding Nemo – Model code on camera used by scuba diver.
The Incredibles – A room number in Syndrome’s lair. It is the conference room that Mr. Incredible is suppose to get his second assignment and where he is attacked by the enhanced Omnidroid. Also, the prison level where Mr. Incredible is held is “Level A1” in Cell # 13: A1 & 13
Cars – Mater’s license plate. Also the number of the railway train which almost crashes into Lightning McQueen while he is on his way to Radiator Springs.
Ratatouille – Git, the lab rat, has a tag on his left ear that reads, “A113”.
WALLβ’E – The code for Auto’s “directive”. This instance is the first time “A113” has held any actual significance in the film’s plot and is mentioned aloud.
straight from the wiki π
The new K-Mart Cars – When will we see those? Can we buy a case from somewhere else?
TRU Gasket – WHEN?
And why do we go crazy over the Cars of the South, when they are the same 3 cars paitned differently?
And why do we go crazy over the haulers, when they are the same truck? Then buy the single with a different face?
Have any Cars been retired? I thought Doc had one that was.
No TRU Gask-Its.
Kmart Day 1 – June 20, 2009
Kmart Day 2 – October 17, 2009
The 1:55 scale Fabulous Hudson Hornet with silver rims is no longer being made.
Additionally, I have not seen Shake ‘n’ Go Doc Hudson in FOREVER, so I’ve come to think that version is retired. (I still see Shake ‘n’ Go Fabulous Hudson Hornet quite often however)
How are Cars born?
C-section . .. .
Smart Bumper answer…. A Mommy Car and a Daddy car love each other very much, so they cuddle and snuggle and a baby car is born a few months later!
Disney/Pixar/Mattel answer… Mack says to LM, Thank the Manufacturer, so I guess it is a chicken and egg question…The Manufacturer places them in eggs and then the are born!! see
Oh sorry, I guess that was a smart bumper answer too!
lol So you can go to the manufacturer and order the specs on your new baby. Sweet.
I wondered this too. There aren’t any “kid” cars in the movie, but in El Materdor you hear a “baby” car crying when Mater gets ran into the ground. It is perplexing. I kinda like PirateDad’s idea of the manufacturer placing cars in eggs π
But how could cars grow?
they hatch when you mega-heat them…lol “with four wet tires”
Wouldn’t Coriander Widetrack be considered a ‘kid’? Her story always makes me sad. A lil car who wants to fly. Wonder if Cars can have ‘surgery’ to convert to jets?
I forgot about Coriander Widetrack. She does look like a kid. Maybe all cars are basically ‘adopted?’ Smart cars could be the kids.
Learned something NEW tonite, thanks guys!!
you send away to the manufacturer for the parts and build it yourself and get upgrade packages as your little bundle gets older
Like in Robots? That’s what I was thinking too.
Does anyone know what’s coming next for Movie Moments? I saw Chick / Bruiser over here in England last week and I wonder what might be coming next?
Red and Stanley are also out on the ROR card! Haven’t been lucky enough to pick one up yet, but I know they are out there! Just check Fleabay.
WOW! You have seen ROR movie moments!!! I bet they are SWEET!!
Where did you seen them??
I saw Chick / Bruiser in Sainsburys. There have been quite a lot in Toys r Us and the Entertainer – I think they had Dinoco Mia and Tia, Whitewalls / Fillmore, Rusty and Dusty, No Stall / Leakless, Mr and Mrs King…quite a lot really!
Jestrjef, do you want some?
there are some really cool shots of some Ferraris on some posters in Luigi’s Tyre Place near the end of the film when McQueen is getting refitted out. Is there any information about these shots and the ferrari’s involved? They look like they are based on old ferrari models. It would be great to see them released as characters in die cast models.
Will I ever find Wally Hauler?
*shakes his magic 8 ball* Yes!
I found a Wal-Mart that had a shelf full, and that was a good thing. Many had defects in the paint and noticeable chips.
The Rusteeze boxes inside are of thin cardboard, almost what you would expect of a McDonald happy meal toy.
But, then again my son loved it. He did bring to my attention that this truck was not in the movie.
My opinion, be patient, it’s nothing to get to excited for.
LOL, my son also brought that up too, he made sure I knew he wasn’t in the movie. That’s cute!
You will, just be patient! I wish I would have seen this sooner, I would have gotten you one, my Walmart had at least five of them and nothing else…noone around me here wanted poor Wally…): My son loves him! Good things come to those who wait..I just missed a Elvis they put out by one person but I will get it next time I just have that mindset.
Does there seem to be a better time of the day to look for cars at certain stores? Like in the morning at Wal-mart, or Mondays at Target? Is there any rhyme or reason?
I am very frustrated, thank goodness for the trading forum. I can’t remember the last time I bought a car at the store…
Most heavy traffic stores tend to stock late night and early morning. So best to hit those Targets when doors open. Walmart is a different story. Some are 24-hours, so from 10pm to 2am is a good time slot for those.
The Walmart and Target stores in my area have a lot lighter traffic, and they typically stock during the morning hours after they open.
TRU is a joke here. Most cases they bring out are already opened and picked through before they hit the floor.
About 90% of the time there will be a truck come in Sunday night/Monday morning to restock from weekend sales at all major retailers. The other nights will be on a schedule determined by their warehouse distributor. Best advice is just to ask someone who works in the toy department for that store.
On Target, it depends when their flow team decides to stock their product, each Target can be different depending on a few factors, one main being if it is deemed an “overnight” store (people come in to start work 12 midnightish (overnight stores are high volume Targets, so if you live by one, chances are you are good to go once the doors open.) If it is not, they come in at 4am, by the time the truck is unloaded and they get to the floor and decide where to stock it is basically a toss up. Usually they have a set schedule, my Target usually doesn’t even get to toys until 10am or so now. They used to stock them first thing before we opened during the Christmas season to avoid the crowds, but not anymore. Like a previous post said, talk to someone who works in the toy department. Most are pretty helpful! Good luck!
Target also stocks periodically during the day, I actually have my best luck there in the afternoon, but before 5.
How can I save more on my insurance premiums?
Stop paying for them…you’ll save a fortune!
When are the case D 3 packs coming out? What about the new launchers (mood springs, fiber fuel, and easy idle)?
Error, or correction?
Mario Andretti red wheels!
I called, Mattel-uk, to inform me about the validity of the promotion and I discovered that the Mattel-UK don’t provides CARS, for the Disney Store.
They produce, or order for themselves
I only find the red wheel (Mario Andretti) in the Disney Store!
There may be a possibility that they produced different from the original?
Who can answer?
ps. Disney Store, did not participate in the promotion!
Hi Branco,
As far as I know Red Wheels Mario has shipped in all european A-Case ROR. We have several in our store. Is a funny case with 18 McQueens total (of which are 4 “Chase” Impound McQueens) and 12 other Cars.
Hope this helps.
Thank you, Wilgert!
By the way, let me know about your store!..
ps. I’m not looking for 18 McQueens…. rsrs..
Glad to help. Its the Makro (dutch Wholesale firm, part of Metro International).
Btw, it’s not my store (I wish…) but I work there as Head-replanishment Food but the Non-Food is just around the corner so I check there sometimes π
The european A case I found had brown wheels Mario – it is box B that has red wheels! (And that’s about all that is interesting in that case)
Found case C the other day at the Disney Store with Impound Boost, Edwin Kranks and Tank Coat Pitty. π
I bet jazzy jeff knows!
Let’s NOT go there . . .
Have you seen Watchmen yet?? There’s the Blue Beef!!
can mattel start putting out more movie moments like flik and p.t. flea and mia and tia red version? that would make all collectors happy
I have seen the red mia and tia at Target lately, haven’t seen flik and p.t. flea any where but Walgreens back in the early fall.
I saw Flik/Flea all over the place at Christmas time
I saw Red Mia & Tia and Flea & Flik at Target the other day. I wondered if they found an old case in back or something.
Same here at 2 different Target’s…
Still see Red Mia & Tia at Target. They were also available on toysrus .com up until a few months ago. Flea & Flik last spotted in the fall.
well here is my 2 cents, i doubt it, as far as the finish line before the 2nd movie. you said it best MATTEL IS A COMPANY PRODUCING GOODS FOR PROFIT WE AS THE CONSUMERS WANT SUPPLIED ,WE ARE DEMANDING THEREFORE WE CANβT WAIT BUT WE DO.
and dont forget, every movie always has new character’s, im sure the paint schemes on some of the piston cup cars will change, like maybe apple will be yellow or red now and will be available like leakless or no stall, remember they have to replace king as he retired so make room for the new hot shot that will be the new apple–not out yet or very hard to find, dont forget they have been screwing with us for ever, remember the sidewall promo, look at all the peg warmers we bought just for 1 car, and n20–buy the peg warmers and now thet are putting it out as a launcher, we may never see all the piston cup cars
I have been wondering who will be the new Dinoco face… The suspense!
i asked mattel to make me ——->megaheat’08 the new hot shot racer…..waiting for ceo answers….lol
My money is on it being a new rookie. or maybe Dale Jr. as a longshot.
I think it will be Mood Springs. His passion won Tex over.
good replying kevin
real questions people real questions only……..
question number 1
where are all of the piston cup racers, easy idle, mood springs, fiber fuel and so on
question 2
the gaskits car promo, does it exist or was it pre-mature and uncovered before it was ready to come out.
question 3
do you have the winning lottery numbers for this weekends power ball and or lotto for florida..
sorry one more big question,
what happens to all of the redundant peg warmers, like the plain lightnings-ramones doc hudsons, will they end up in the bargin bins or will they have another peg warmer sale for the apple icar, but this time, buy any 10 of ramone-lightnig or doc hudson and get a free apple i car–SUPPLIES LIMITED
Is there a Gov’t bail out plan for small wood working firms who have to lay all their employees off next month in order to stretch the orders out further and make them do more with less???
There was some money allocated to that but instead of giving it to canadian pirates, they decided AIG might need it a bit more π
They decided that some CEO who lost millions of dollars for his bank needed a $10 mil. raise…. Great thinking minds we have here….
Thats because they knew Canadian Pirates would just drink it away……
Do not question the all knowing, all seeing MET. We do not question his knowledge – it is LAW! mostly anyway…..
Here is my question – can you do something about the distribution problem – both in the cases and the stores??
What came first the Chicken or the Egg??
I have always believed it to be the chicken, since after all who laid the egg?
The chicken. And I know that from reading an old book….
My 10th grade biology teacher answered this. The egg. It came from something other than a chicken.
/It’s call Evolution. π
Be careful before I hit you with that OLD book!! hahaha
I agree. Egg came waaaaaay before the chicken.
God spoke all animals into creation, not eggs. The chicken laid the egg.
Something other than a chicken laid the egg that became a chicken. Easy peasy.
Let’s not get into a theology debate…. ’cause we know who’d win! π Just kidding, but this probably isn’t the best subject to talk about….
I coulda sworn the chegg came first.
Do you have a source directly inside Mattel? I’ve always been baffled as to how your get your information so far in advanced.
I know Mattel would never just make a case of new cars but…. why couldn’t Mattel ship a case of mostly new cars with a few McQ’s or some of the older ones to keep the collectors happy?