Article Archive for 18 September 2008

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Toys, TV on 18 September 2008
Stats: and 23 Comments
In one of the first lines we hear in “voice-over” from CARS is the line … “1 winner, 42 losers, I eat losers for breakfast.” Meaning, of course, there are 42 OTHER racers out there … just as with a typical NASCAR starting grid – 43 cars out there. We were sure of the 36 […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, Financial, Internet, Marketing, Retail on 18 September 2008
Stats: and 11 Comments
EM was kind enough to send along the new FBI online fraud website so here’s a brief recap of your possible courses of actions when an auction goes awry. YOU ARE YOUR OWN KEEPER Unfortunately, the first onus is on you to read everything carefully and see if the auction and the seller passes the […]