Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Next Up, Case H Singles – Super Chase Case R Twin?
First, the “normal” portion of this informational post … CASE H … coming next – a shipping date of early July.*
Case H is a nice solid case with a CHASE CAR, Guido’s dance partner, Fransceca.
Plus “NEW” Victor Paveone (Yellow Jag in Stands) and Snot Rod with Flames (well, technically a repaint and re-accessory) but still considered NEW.
Rob (My 6 Kids) sends along the singles cards of CASE H …
The Chase.
Yellow Jag …
And apparently, the Some-Assembly-Required Snot Rod with Flames. 🙂
Thanks Rob (My 6 Kids) for the card photos.
Also in the case …
First re-release of Vern in 3 years.
And re-releases from 2013 but not necessarily easy to find 2013 releases:
Brand New Mater (unibody return to first release back in 2008);
Kabuto (unibody upgrade from Porto Corsa);
Lewis Hamilton (only 1 in CASE D);
Rip Clutchgoneski (No need to say more plus the next release might be silver Rip so this “regular Rip,” might be the last single release of Rip for 2013 at retail if we presume the Super Chase case is NOT for retail);
Security Guard Finn (unibody upgrade from Porto Corsa era);
& Suki (only 1 in CASE A).
Plus long time favs: Flo, Race Tow Tom & Tubbs Pacer, not much to complain about in this case – NO FRANCESCO’s!
So, just on this case assortment for CASE H – it’s a B+ or A- minus case.
Now comes the weird part. There looks to be a SUPER CHASE TWIN of CASE H – CASE R. But unlike the other SUPER CHASE TWIN cases coming (and the SUPER CHASE TWIN cases from last year), CASE R is the only SUPER CHASE TWIN that subs out the CHASE for a SUPER CHASE.
In this case, CASE R loses the Francesca (Luigi’s dance partner) for Yukio.
Here’s Yukio (photos courtesy of “John H.”).
So, here’s CASE R.
Also what’s odd is that CASE R is scheduled for August. So, while it’s the twin of CASE H, it won’t be out until August and of course, it subs out the CHASE for the SUPER CHASE …
And there have been reports of this SUPER CHASE in International Cases on International Cards. While the cards still reads 4,000 production, does this new count include international or is international its own 4,000 … as legally, the 4,000 count only applies to the US … so whatever happens, it’s still consulted.
Thanks for the Yukio photos “John H.”
* Yes, Mattel has shipped some H cases early but insists it is not available to ship.
So, if you want either case, give ChildrensToyCloset a ring or web ding.

I NEED that Snot-Rod!!
Well with case R due in August, Rip in case H will not be his last release of 2013.
Excellent case. Now for it to actually make it to the store shelves.
What am I surprised by this? Hopefully I can at least get Franca and few others.
That Yukio-Francesca swap… NOT FUN…. NOT FUN AT ALL ! There is 5 LMQ in that case and they make it in purpose to swap with the CHASE one… At least pick a repeat one not a NEW car !!!! Cherry on the sundea: That ULTIMATE CHASE is a tiny diecast having a huge chunk of plastic !… NO… NOT FUN AT ALL…
When is this case H getting released? And will it contain rip? How do I buy a case? Will it be released at target? And how do the super chases work?
Any info would help! .
When is this case H getting released? And will it contain rip? How do I buy a case? Will it be released at target? And how do the super chases work?
Any info would help!
More Cars to never find I guess…
I believe the Case assortment has slightly changed and it’s actually Donna Pits instead of Vern, however I’m not completely sure.
Fillmore1234 – Donna Pitts has certainly replaced Vern in what was supposed to be the European equivalent case (997W). However, the case assortments in Europe are now quite different to those in the US as the Super Chase cases (and their twins) aren’t supposed to (officially) be released in Europe.
The US cases 999A through to 999G were released as 997N, 997P, 997Q, 997R, 997U and 997V in Europe. Case 997N wasn’t released in the UK and only a few case 997P (with Rip) were released in the UK too!
The equivalent of what was supposed to be US 999H/J/K/L have been merged into 997W and 997Y with a few Cars unallocated to subsequent/assumed cases.
The latest information for Europe (subject to change) is that the following Cars (or hard to find cars) are in the cases listed below:
Reissues (For those not previously released in the UK)
SUKI (996W)
SNOT ROD (with Flames)
W1938-998J/K/L/M ~ Assumed case numbers (TBC)
BOOST (with Flames)
LUIGI & GUIDO (with Shaker & Glasses)
Whether the Super Chases are added to these is not known, but as cases 997S/T have not been released would tend to suggest they will not be released in Europe. However, circumstances change!
Is the Super Chase case actually going to retail this time?
(METL It seems Mattel is still separating it but hard to say until it’s over but the shouting – so possible …).
Yokio’s plate says 6-13 I feel like he should have come out in June. (6-2013)