HTB Frosty Super Chase Contest Winner – Congrats!
And the big winner of “Hostile Takeover Banker’s” great Super Chase Frosty giveaway?
Thanks for a great contest “HTB!” HTB notes, corrects and confirms things that you thought might be true about Australia (yes, looking up things on the internet was permissible). While we had a lot of fun and weird answers, ultimately, it was a total random draw as selected by
I would like to say that most the ‘facts’ people are coming up with are pretty accurate. One thing though, the coriolis effect doesn’t actually affect small amounts of water, so the water won’t actually flush the opposite way down the toilet. Mainly I have just been reading them all and having a good laugh. There are some very good responses!
In 1954 Bob Hawke made it into the Guinness Record Book: he sculled 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds. Bob Hawke went on to become the Prime Minister of Australia. He was recently snapped on youtube sculling a beer someone had handed him from the crowd, proving even in his old age, he still has it.
The Tasmanian Devil does exist, and it has the jaw strength of a crocodile. And yes, the wombat does lay square poos!
Australia has the world’s largest cattle station (ranch). At 30,028 km2 it is almost the same size as Belgium.
Australians have 380,000 m2 per person available. Yet well over 90% are cramming into our coastal cities on only 10% of the land. In other words, hardly anyone actually lives in the outback!
We call Australian’s from Queensland “banana benders”, people from South Australia ‘crow eaters’ and people from Western Australia “sandgropers”. Yes, I am a ‘sandgroper’!
The Great Barrier Reef has a mailbox. You can ferry out there and send a postcard, stamped with the only Great Barrier Reef stamp. It is also the world’s largest organic structure.
Melbourne has the second largest Greek population in the world, after Athens.
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Congrats to GoDodger and thanks to Take 5 and HTB for another great contest!
Thanks HTB and Jeaks for helping us “Americans” out.
Can’t imagine how we can return the favor…
Thank you, HTB!
Thank you, Met!
Thank you to everyone with their kind words and congratulations. Well, except maybe John in Missouri…Just kidding.
Hope you all had as much fun as I did thinking up (or making up) the Australia trivia.
Huge conegrats to ge winner and huger thanks to HTB for his generosity!
Congrats GoDodgerBlue! HTB, thanks for making such an awesome contest for the TFAD Fam! Met and Tiz … well, we all know you are both the man. Thanks for all you do!
Congrats to GoDodgerBlue, and I am pleased to announce this looks like it is going to a worthy winner’s home! Once again, thanks to all who entered and made this competition so enjoyable.
WAY-2-GO DodgerBlue!
Congrats! Any idea of how many different people entered the contest?
(MET: Since you could enter twice a day, it’s hard to keep track but there were about 290 qualifying entries).
Thanks, HTB, for turning your good fortune into a fun event on TakeFive. Congratulations to GoDodgerBlue; you are now among the elite of cars collectors!
Congratulations! …but it should have been GoCubbieBlue! (kidding, kidding)
Well done and what a great competition that provided many laughs 🙂
Congrats GoDodgerBlue!!! Thanks HTB and Met for another fun contest!!!