Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Lenticulars Have Landed! (+ 2 Chase)
Caitlin-FPG seems to have found the first Lenticular CARS in the US! (She’s in the Houston area).
The good news is that CHASE Salutin’ Sarge and CHASE FerrariΒ F430 have kept their “Race O Rama” motif to complete our collection and ONLY the Lenticular CARS get the new design (see below).
Here’s lenticular Sally and yes, they can ‘close’ their eyes all the way …
More to come! π
There seems to have been some minor changes. We lost Flo and gained an extra Chick Hicks. There is also a Ferrari F430 (Italian packaging CHASE) – while it’s not official, I’m presuming we lost 1 Lightning McQueen in the trade out since everything else seems the same.
Richard K says that his boxes show 2 Chick Hicks & 9 Lightning McQueen (with Ferrari F430 for Flo) since Caitlin did hers from memory π … we can presume all is well in the world as you can be surrounded by 9 LM’s and one less lenticular ChickΒ π Thanks Richard.
Here of course are the official photos.
For card geeks, the J-hook is now built into the card, & the blister is visible from the back.
This card will change out in October … presumably to something like the other blue card design.
I believe the WM price is $3.97.
Thanks FPG-Caitlin! Congrats on being first in the USA. I think she got this at a 24-hour WM so you might want to check out yours – send us pics!
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Someone would tell me, how I can buy, the lenticular case?
I’m in UK!
Thank you!
hey thats totally not cool! That pic is still on my phone!
Anyone seen this?
Now, I KNOW I’ve seen that picture before… just can’t seem to put my finger one it… it’s all a bit fuzzy… hmmmmm….
Look familiar to anyone else? π
(MET: I have filed a report with ebay – if you have the time or inclination, please free free to click REPORT VIOLATION at the bottom of the page and or email him that he is being reported. Thanks).
$40.00 for Saluting Sarge…That needs to be on IdiotBay. π
I found them today.
Now that I have seen them up close, a few observations…
I really like the packaging.
I don’t care for the cars–at least the eyes. That technology does nto seem to allow for very crisp images, so the eyes come off looking blurry, detracting from what I have always thought was the strength of the line–the amazing attention to detail.
Also, whenever I see things like that, I am reminded of the baseball cards that used to come with Twinkies or some such thing back in the 70s. They were a novelty, but ultimately, not nearly as good as the Topps cards. Personally, I do not see this change as reason enough to begin the collection anew. I will continue to collect the classic line, which means I will have to look for the new line to get the classic chase cars. Alas, the chase cars were already gone this morning.
In my opinion, it would have been better to add more diversity to the classic line than recycle old molds with this new gadget–even if it meant recycling old molds with new paint jobs (pittys, chiefs, etc.).
I had a similar experience at Walmart this morning! They had one new case of the lenticular Cars sitting in a cart by the stocking pallet and as I walked toward it, the evil toy department manager (who despises any toy collector in any shape or form) grabbed up the case and walked away. I stopped her and told her I would gladly purchase the entire case – nearly $100 worth and she refused – saying “you’re just a collector and will return what you don’t want.” I said “actually I’m just a paying customer who would like to give Walmart my business.” She still refused! So I had to stop at customer service and speak to the general manager, who was happy to sell me the entire case. You should have seen the look on the toy department managers face when she had to turn over the goods – she honestly would have rather set them in the back room then sell them purely out of spite. Makes no sense to me at all. I won the battle this time!!
WOW, that is ridiculous!! Glad you did not let her get away with that!
SOOOOO, how do you like them????/
Seems like gif animation doesn’t work here!
Probably better the animation did not work….. Funny Though!!
we found the whole lenticular first case set in walmart tonight. they are actually pretty cool the eyes open and close and look left to right depending on how you move the car. I think it sucks that they raised the price for the feature, lol but OF COURSE lol we still bought them hah and i also think the see through packaging on both sides is nice.
Anybody else beside Albert and FPG find these….I am wondering about everyones opinions…are they cool or cheesy? Worth the extra dollar or ripoff? Good packaging or too easy to wreck? Is Mattel Intl Division stupid or squirrelly?
I think squirrels have some intelligence. What is going on in Canada is the work of people with none.
We’re starting to see US ROR pegwarmer singles up here at some discount stores (before ANY retailer has seen any). Now that’s funny!
where did you find ROR singles…Giant Tiger?
If my Avatar is ok.. you should see our Canadian Mattel team at work! .. Have a look! π
Might take a few minutes to change!
found them further north in Houston too….only 6-7 McQs and 1 Mater…the eyes only seem to open or close……packaging extremely cool because you get the 360 degree view!…..left them all on the shelf.
So it’s official, Canada is now an ENTIRE SERIES behind the US.
I remember the good ole days when we were a case behind. Sigh.
What a bad move for Mattel Canada this year.. loosing more and more customers day after day!
.. Seems like no cargo; AIR nor SEA can go from USA to CANADA… but can find a way to AUSTRALIA, UK and Europe…
+ way to go loosers: WM Canada won’t get Haulers…
So Albert Hinkey you put them back? What did they look like? The eyes?
Obviously (or maybe not) The molds they are made from are the exact same as the regular version, with the exception being the windshield area which was metal with, in some cases, sculpting for the “eyelids” and a decal for the eyes, now appears to be gone. The windshields now are recessed just like hotwheels windshields with a lenticular sticker placed over them. The eyes aren’t all that interesting, unless I totally missed something. They either appear to be open or closed depending on the angle. Don’t get me wrong, they aren’t all that bad…I was just a bit annoyed that they were going to charge me an extra buck.
So the eyes only opened or shut? The eyes did not move side to side? Or followed your gaze?
I know this has already been widely discussed, but I think Mattel has made a big mistake, not necessarily with the lenticular design, they are kind of cool and interesting, but with the pricing. I had 6 of these in my hand ready to go, when I went over to the price scanner and found out that they were 3.97. I put them all back with the exception of the chase ferrari….and I almost put that one back too based on principal….WTF is chase packaging? I am simply not going to spend an extra dollar each to buy cars I already have in the original design. 2.97= neat little feature. 3.97= stupid gimmick used to justify raising the price.
Thanks for your kind words everyone! I had to thwart an evil Walmart employee to get the cases open because he knows Im one of those “Collectors”… LOL and He is always hateful whenever he sees me so it was awesome to get past him!!!! I got 2 stockers from 2 different departments to open the cases for me and as I was walking away from the pallet I walked right by him coming toward the toy department and he GLARED at me! I just smiled pleasantly daring him to say one hateful word. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA (insert evil laugh here) .
As for the the lenticulars, I havent really been sold on them yet but when I saw them I thought they were pretty cool! I do think it is silly to have the chase packaging but oh well, I am satisfying an addiction. Good luck everyone, I am sending my carsma yalls way!!!
Was the case labeled like the other Mattel Disney Cars singles cases? Just wondering what to be looking for if I spot the late night pallet at Walmart. Thanks
the only difference i remember is that it says lenticular on the box
Yes, Sarge’s antenna had to be a certain thickness/diameter for safety reasons/drop test/pull test.
It’s good to see him back, we were trying to bring him back on the Fourth of July ( A JL idea ) but to many problems logistically π
At least he’s back π
Happy hunting all.
And here I thought it was just genetics.
The Salutin Sarge stays on ROR, but it looks like he has that dubble bubble see through viewer too, which is pretty cool!
Checked our 24 h Walmart last night, in Houston, nothing new yet.
Way to go FPG.
the Walmart in Cypress had only 6-7 McQ and 1 Mater
finally mabee ill score a sarge!!!! is his antenna that big for saftey reasons?
for salutin’ reasons!
Very nice to see Sarge again out in the wild and nice score FPG. I guess while everyone else was on hitting refresh you were out getting the goods.
SWEET!! Congrats of the score!!
BTW, what store were they found in??
Wally world where the evil Toy dept associates lurk to fend off collectors, but I thwarted them!!!
oh man, here we go again! licking lips, salivating, drooling!
nice score… and in Texas even…
News Alert! Sarge found in Houston, Texas first! So Caitlan which Walmart did you find these at. Clear Lake area?
Yup it was the walmart on I45 south in The clear lake/Webster area
Sarge makes his triumphant return!!!
so how do the eyes look? on the Lenticular cars.
Nice score Caitlin! Now I have to be on the prowl for more new cases myself!
Hahahahahahahahahaha it was so crazy!!!!!! Im never that lucky!!!! and yes since you didnt answer your phone, Pirate Dad, I got one for you too!!!!
I’ll bet you didn’t sleep all night!
I wondered who was calling so late…but I was asleep after a llllooooonnnngggggg day…I figured it was NascarFan making sure EVERYONE was up since he was!! hahahahha
FuturePixarGoddess YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel terrible that it was so late to be calling but I was so EXCITED! You know I always got your back PD
Normally it is knot late considering my lifestyle, but we had a craft show yesterday and were gone from 5am til 8pm. In the hot sun setting up and tearing down…
Wish I had answered it now tho!!!