Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: In a Pitty Blaze of Speedway of the South Glory
The gang that can’t drive straight …
it’s 3-cylinders of all out racing …
Or is it PSI?
Once around the track or 75-minutes, whichever comes first …
Pitty Trash Talking
“I will jack you up.”
“Put a fork in him, he’s done.”
“He’s just all hydraulics.”
“I’ve seen bigger forks at the dinner table.”
“Hey, Chuck.”
“You can’t even back up without going beep, beep, beep, beep.”
“Dude, you are so not counter-balanced.”
“Pile driver.”
“You look like you just drove out a warehouse.”
“You’re mama’s so fat, two of us couldn’t lift her on a pallet.”
« Metroxing Sucked Into Street Sweeper | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Haulers Next at Target Online (UPDATE #2) » |

Hello to make pouriez you a photography of the red pitty with paper 95
Thank you and aurevoir
Saddened for fault I am French !!
Man, the more I look at these pictures, the more I realize these little guys are works of art!
What were you hoping wood happen??
2 bruiser…brown or blue eyes??
brown in the movie .. maybe he got blue contacts to attract the Chicks?
are bruiser and Chick homosexual? mmmmmmhhh..interesting..
Ah the Chicks!! HA HA HA sorry..
lol….. well I left it capital because you never really know
I mean comeon a race car driver named Chick
Not that theres anything wrong with that.
What we need to see is that big “pitty” in Mater’s adventures that drives McQeen around the hospital after the fire. It looks so much larger and wider than the normal pitties.
Pitty row race off is too cute!
hey met,
how’d you already get that sweet looking piston cup??!
o man, you get all the prototype releases!!
I shoulda’ seen that one comin’!!!
That’s ” forkin’ ” hilarious!!!
And the pitty that came in last in the race was overheard singing the old classic song, “Poor, Poor, Pitty-ful Me”
(Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me)
Ladies and Gentlecars,
Unfortunately Marketing is not that fond is Pitty’s because they look so small packed out in package……tough price value at retail is what I’ve been told here.
Subjective? Believe it or not.
well I buy more pitties than anything else! So tell them they are wrong. I have to have at least two. That way if my son looses a part I have a new one ready to go. Eventually it would be nice to have a team of 6 each!
They look great with the toolboxes and tires! They are awesome! And very rarely do they turn into pegwarmers. Please invite the Marketing Geniuses to leave their glass tower and go to a retail store to count all the Lightning McQueens and Green Ramones!
We should take Pitty on the Mattel Marketing for they not know what they do. Marketing and distribution at Mattel really have no idea do they, Pitty really.
My boys love the pittys, they are an absolute favourite. When a case comes they fight over the extra one.
At least the design team is on the ball
Met where did you get that Piston Cup?
(MET: From the Gashaphon set …)
This reminds me of the Munchkins in the Wizard of Oz!
I should really put some pix of my pittys up here guys im trying to get at least 6 of each one plus im making customs for each one
ie trying to use the three moulds of pitty for each racer
i hope it all turns out ok in the end
i love my pittys!!!!!
yes please!! we would love to see them! YOu can get all the pittys you want at Walmart for $2.97 right now 🙂 or maybe the sale is over?
I think he is in the U.K.
oh darn! Well he can still show us his bloody pitties!
I wonder who Chuck and the gang are working for these days.
The rabbit says Happy Easter …
Met you’re on a roll today!
dude with round nose says, oh …
\m/ |>_<| \m/
rock on…
found octain gain hauler & mini purple ramone with trailer at walmart tonight.
: + )
without the “+”
That’s where MY piston cup went…
The Pittys took off with it again. 🙂
Does anyone know how to put an emoticon on a comment?
just use the comas and colons etc ie- : + ) = 🙂
Knightrider, it’s not working.
leave out the plus sign 🙂
i used the plus sign to indicate that you should use those two characters together.
I’ve just found out that if you place your cursor over an emoticon it shows you how to ‘write it’ 😉
Does the dancing banana work here?
Supposedly, if you do :banana: it will show a banana…I have yet to get it to work anywhere
Go to wikipedia and search “peanut butter jelly time”
The dancing banana works on
Never in a million years would I have thought to put the mouse over the emoticon; you’re a smartie! I’ll give it a try
Thanks, all!
if you right-click on it, then look under “properties” it tells you how to make it
Hey! I came up with the cursor idea way back when 😛
ok…ok…stop with the pittyful jokes ok!
Its a Pitty you didnt take your own advice
check out this custom I ran across:
Check out the Sarge transporter this guy has made, its awesome!!!
Found a similar custom:
That pitiful!! 🙂
Just in time for my last comment, looks good MET! 4th time IS a charm!!
cool man
Yeah! My first First!
I see you have yet to find the Sparemint Pitty also!