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A Snapshot of TakeFivers Around the World Part Deux

Taking a further look into the entrails of our web analytics we find another interesting nugget of info.  The Top 10 cities where we currently are gaining visitors reveals mostly U.S. cities but there are indeed two non-U.S. cities that make the Top 10.

Have your guesses in place before reading on.  Are you ready? We are going to start in 5 seconds…5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

Ok, here we go!

The Top 10 Cities that can claim bragging rights for providing the most Carsma to TakeFiveADay.com are:

#1 – New York

#2 – Los Angeles

Not a big shocker as these are the two largest cities here in the U.S.

#3 – London

Well now!  Our mates across the big pond show up in the number three slot.  Well done!  Brilliant!  But can you blokes overtake the Los Angelenos?  You have cool bars to be sure… Tell your friends to visit us here and we’ll see!  Moving on…

#4 – Chicago

#5 – San Francisco

Well here is proof that Metroxing’s web traffic is not included in our reporting otherwise this number would be massive and SFO would be in the number 1 slot by a big margin.  I took a cell phone snap to the entrance of the mothership a few years ago while visiting a buddy who had moved out west to work at Leapfrog.  When I find where I put the dang thing, I will update this post.

#6 – Dallas

#7 – Minneapolis

#8 – Beaverton

Beaverton?!  Wow.  I have to say that was a big surprise and a welcome one.  For our TakeFivers overseas preparing to look on Google Maps, Beaverton is located in state of Oregon on our lovely (and rainy) west coast of the U.S. per link above.

#9 – Houston

#10 – Sydney.

Oy!  TakeFivers are active DownUnder where “…women glow and men plunder.” Ah, I remember the 80’s too fondly.  That’s the Top 10 as it stands right now.  Curious which cities round out the Top 25?  Just let us know and maybe we’ll post an update. 😉

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