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Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Movie Moments – The Switchover & UK Road Trip

For US readers and buyers, it looks like the announced Movie Moment move to Target is finally moving forward. The “regular” Movie Moments cases are now listed as unavailable for Mattel resellers. There wasn’t much left that was available to order – I believe just the E CASE but again, that is no longer available to the ‘general reseller public.’

So, will Target just continue to receive E CASES or will they finally start to receive some of these “new” ones?

Um, you tell me (and us) 🙂

Since it’s a Target item, it will impossible to tell until they show up on the shelf. It could be in a few weeks or it could be months from now … we might see the “old” ones first in Race O Rama along with a sprinkling of the new ones – again, no idea what the case configs will look like:


The implications of the Movie Moments switchover + the ones being “retired,” are in this post.

Meanwhile, thanks to our international corespondents Steve HB, Dave S. & Gervart … here’s a peek at the Movie Moments in Race O Rama dress they already have …

Note that they are “nameless” on the front to save costs and so the front ‘ticket’ doesn’t have to be ginormous.

Please make all your Tow Cap jokes in a non-English language 🙂

The TV screen art is a nice concept carried over from WOC.

There does seem to be two cardback designs – one with just mostly English & Cyrillic … though I guess LEAK LESS is untranslatable while NO STALL gets a third translation? Mistake?

This one is just the EU version? It has a multitude of languages – I recognize the German & French. Though it seems to have been found in the UK? I guess EU collectors are not doing the whole card completist thing 🙂

And a group shot.

Gervert sent along this great shot – more photos tonight but you can still find plenty of WOC Movie Moments in London.

Glad to know the CARS supply situation is improving … AND you’re getting the natural gas turned back on also … 🙂

Thanks for the great pics, Steve HB, Dave S. & Gervart!

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