Home » Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS

Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: The Long Road to a New Hauler – Cruz Ramirez

Thanks, “Mark T.” for the heads up and nice photos.

Name or no name, back to just being called Cruz Ramirez Hauler.

Walmart exclusive.

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  • Real Gone says:

    Well, found it once at a nearbyish Wal-Mart and decided Ok-if I see it again in store then I will buy it. It was gone later, of course, then yesterday stopped by the same Wal-Mart and it was there. So I did buy it and it really looks good.

  • Real Gone says:

    Trying to keep my collecting to a minimum, and this comes out! So very cool. Oh well, it’s a non issue anyway as it will be hard to find in the wild.

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