Home » Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS

Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Keith Kone Arrives

Thanks, “Mark T.” for the nice photos.

Keith Kone, the 2nd all-new diecast of 2022 arrives.

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  • MackDaddy says:

    Some one should be fired for this new line of packaging. But instead they probably got a bonus. They’re so one dimensional, SQUARE and boring. The pegs are full with repeat Cars around me but they all blend in with the cheaper toys. Why would anyone pay the higher price for these? They used to visually draw you in…but no more. This new line will never hold the lasting appeal of the old packages even with a new release.

    • quercy says:

      I cannot be more agree with your comment. Also for non opener collectors these are a nightmare to stack. I put my cars in photocopy paper boxes. They were fitting nicely until this year! I understand the plastic saving but I am convinced they could do better on the design. Also the cards are thinner and obviously easier to get damaged. I am questioning myself what I should do for the future of this collection… They are eroding my passion for this universe.

  • DisneyLover55 says:

    Do we know what movie Keith is from? Iā€™m thinking probably Cars 2.

    • quercy says:

      Keith Kone, formerly known as Camera Hog Fan, is a brown minivan who appears in the first Cars movie. At the Los Angeles International Speedway, he is seen with Timothy Twostroke.

  • quercy says:

    Are we gonna see some Cars at Toys ‘R’ Us again very soon? Keeping my fingers crossed!…


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