Home » Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS

Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: 2021 Summer & Fall CARS! (Part 2)

Part 1 was yesterday, Here are the rest of the new releases through Fall 2021. Collect ’em all!

Mille. CARS 2?

Nick Shigy, Next Gen Spare Mint racer.

Sara Wheelson, CARS 3?

Rich Hurry, keyboards r synth?, Cotter Pin band, the musicians will be all in. Nice!

Racing Red Lighting.

Racing Red Dinoco Cruz.

Racing Red Francesco Bernoulli

Clutch Aid Racing Tractor available as single and in 2-Pack.

The Geisha Girls from CARS 2.

And Sweet Tea is back to complete the band – SWEET!

The only new deluxe is the return of Dr. Damage. Xavier Roadault (Spare Mint Cab) is not show on the poster so we might et more mysterious releases?

Poster on Monday.

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  • Real Gone says:

    Speaking of summer releases, I saw a listing on Amazon for a pre-order of Hot Rod Steve Hearsell for $3.99. It is being sold by Amazon as well, not a reseller, and the listing states that the price is guaranteed. I went ahead and did a preorder so I am looking forward to seeing what comes of this. It is scheduled to be released on July 1.

    Here is the link for it:
    https://www.amazon.com/Disney-Pixar-Cars-Steve-Hearsell/dp/B07MZ9V12B/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=pixar cars steve hearsell&qid=1623025760&s=toys-and-games&sr=1-2

    Hope that helps anyone who is looking for him-I know I have been!

    Real Gone

    P.S.: the Gen 2 Brian Spark Leakless #52 racer is also listed on Amazon for $3.99 as well.

    • quercy says:

      Thank you, just ordered mine. I also ordered a new METAL 3-pack (Mater, Rust-Eze McQueen and Sheriff) I know these are really common cars but I like the box presentation and who knows they may be variants. For $12 I cannot be wrong too much 🙂

    • https://amzn.to/3z9ffMV
  • quercy says:

    Someone has the count how many Racing Tractors are shown in the movie?

    • Mack_me_Bucko says:

      In theory, Cruz imagines all the other racers as tractors, but whether we see all of them on screen is debatable. So far, there have been six released by Mattel, with three others announced or teased.

      Released: Easy Idle, View-Zeen, Rev-N-Go, Shiny Wax, Bumper Save, Sputter Stop.

      Announced: Clutch-Aid.

      Teased: No Stall, Combustr.

      • quercy says:

        found this couple days ago… tractors are promising!!! (sorry for the very long link 🙂 ) However Bumper Save is already super hard to find! 🙁

        https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=sN 3ELBQ&id=84F2C9602ADD9557010CF2B45F0A26C3E16F1AF0&thid=OIP.sN-3ELBQAQ5Cg8DmmlYXMwHaHa&mediaurl=https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/74ed11bb-d259-48d0-90f4-6fdab2c1a2a8_1.f541512313d5f6e6ec47939f803534fa.jpeg&cdnurl=https://th.bing.com/th/id/Rb0dfb710b050010e4283c0e69a561733?rik=8Bpv4cMmCl 08g&pid=ImgRaw&exph=2000&expw=2000&q=Disney Pixar Cars Tractor&simid=608034478635225804&ck=34C2DA9D2F020132CB426C028F81867A&selectedIndex=2&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0

  • Mack_me_Bucko says:

    Couple of corrections or clarifications:

    Nick Shift, Spare Mint Next Gen.
    Sara Wheelson, Cars 1
    Millie, Cars 3
    Rich Hurry has a slide guitar …

    • DisneyLover55 says:

      Yeah, I was gonna say, Millie is CARS 3 in the Rust-Eze Racing Center, “You’re all washed up McQueen”
      “I said floor’s all washed up and clean”.
      Lot’s of fun new diecasts, Nick Shift looks especially cool!

      (MET: Thanks, forgot that scene).

  • Dickbaer says:

    Millie is from Cars 3.
    Cleaning the floor in front of Sterlings office.
    (I have watched the movie some days ago :-))

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