Article Archive for 1 July 2014

Posted in Disney Pixar CARS 3, Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS on 1 July 2014
Stats: and 28 Comments
The switching of CARS diecast in packaging has reached a new low. “Frank C’ found this. This is idiotic on several levels. First, you really have that much free time? Second, how much are you saving in replacing it with another toy and then driving back to the store to “return” this? Did you steal […]

Posted in Disney Pixar CARS 3, Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 3 on 1 July 2014
Stats: and 7 Comments
Thanks for the nice photos and heads up “Frank G.” of the last Super Chase of 2014 … Coming soon. Not a huge effort. You get a “sticker” (tampo decal). And a plastic Allinol can. The Super Chase cardback. Thanks “Frank G.”