Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Movie Moments 2014 Preview?
Until the poster was released, it was hard to tell what the Themes 2013 Movie Moments (mostly 2-packs) actually were – they were simply cryptically numbered so going forward to 2014, while there is a list of 2014 Movie Moments, they are simply listed as “Movie Moment #7,”, etc, etc … so it’s hard to tell if they are repeat releases from 2013 or all new (new, of course – mostly meaning ‘new’ to a 2-pack). It seems Movie Moments now fall into three categories:
A) If both are re-releases, the Movie Moment contains a new accessory.
B) One of the two releases might be a re-release but not previously available as a Movie Moment (along with a new release).
C) The rare but always appreciated – both new releases in the pack.
So, out of the gate, we will probably get some more crew chiefs as not only has Otto Bonn been available from eBay backdoor sellers but they have now move a few WGP racers to the Movie Moment series and not release it as a single in that year. So it seems pretty likely one of the early releases will be Max Schnell & his crew chief, Otto Bonn.
From the 2012 poster.
Thanks for the great photos, “John H.” and “Saukoon.”
Hopefully we’ll start getting more Audi repaints.
And probably the “lost” 2-pack that came out in Europe in 2012, Miguel Camino & his crew chief, Petra Cartalina.
I guess Mattel got a good deal on plastic headsets.
EU card …
Thanks for the great pics, “John H.” and “Saukoon.”
People have also reported seeing back door sales of these three:
This was listed as coming in 2013 so probably moved to 2014? Maybe later in 2014 to separate it from (green) John Lassetire?
I believe someone sent along an eBay photo of Shu’s crew chief, Mach Matsuo.
If so, that leaves only Lewis Hamilton crew chief, Bruce Boxxman.*
(Here’s what the Disney Store releases look like)
Well, Rip Clutchgoneski’s needs a crew chief also.

Just got two of the Nelson Blindspot from the above listed vendor, Sweet! Duly noted as 2014 releases in a “RSN Racing Sports Network” series on the cardback are Cora Copper, Chuck “Choke” Cables, and a few re-releases: Todd Pizza Planet, Timothy Twostroke, Matthew McCrew. With Nelson, that is six of the eight stated to be in the series. Maybe one of those will be the yellow variant of the Bumper Save Chief seen in the stands next to Mia and Tia …
BTW, I’m an opener, so one of those Nelsons will be repainted into a custom model of Benny Brakedrum.
What ever happened to the Mime?
Louis Larue is rumored to be a Deluxe for 2014.
A single, is what I heard.
Hey Met,
I am seeing new World of Cars Deluxe packaging for Chuck Cables! Does this mean a re-release? Please let us know what you can find out!
(MET: Looks pretty legit – the seller is near the Mattel warehouse so it should be coming soon).
Chuck Cables and Nelson Blindspot are both in case H deluxe which at least 1 reseller has already received. I would think we should be able to find them in stores before Christmas.
That seller is your old “friend” Jack.
Nelson Blindspot? Gotta get one! 😀
Being close the Mattel store doesn’t mean they have the latest releases.
I go there every week and they don’t have a @#$% in Cars items 🙂
These would be so much better if they were Speedway of the South Cars and chiefs. Ok Mattel. There’s some planning advice once again and free of charge. After you get done fooling around with these WGP cars and chiefs start making the SOTS chiefs again. It would be Especially nice if you could finish the line so many of us started. Putting those crew chiefs on Target online for over a year but never actually making them was low. Oh and make some more regular size haulers again too. Just email me if you need any other advice and or suggestions. :)-
I snagged an Otto Bonn from China, nicely done, so we will see it eventually. Bruce Boxmann is the same body as Bob Cutlass according to the Pixar wiki, so it should just be a repaint to offer it. I made a Mach Matsuo using the Takara Tomy model, and a headset from a spare David Hobbscapp; it’s slightly undersaize, but then, the “Fairlady” is a small car anyway. And if memory serves, Rip Clutchgoneski has no chief, just one dedicated pitty.
The red Ape souvenir vendor from Porto Corsa is showing up on eBay, so that may be a offering too, as is the yellow race fan (sits next to Mia and Tia in the stands of the Dinoco 400). That’s a re-do of the Bumper Save chief … Nelson Blindspot is also available — I wonder if he’ll be Europe only like Chuck “Choke” Cables was?
Not sure how many new Cars I’ll get this year. Opened Waiter Mater the other night, and the kids didn’t even notice. Maybe they will like Dracula Mater better.
Looking forward to finishing off the crew chiefs!!
Really can’t wait. Only problem currently for my location is… where are the Movie Moments? I still see Finn/Tomber packs as far as the eye can see everywhere. The Movie Moments are the hardest to track down for me because everybody still has MM from 2011. Wake up Mattel please!