Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: The $.99 Sale is Back (Price Match City)
Kmart is having a $.99 CARS diecast sale this week (STARTS TOMORROW – Sunday) …
If your Kmart is well stocked with CARS 2 diecasts, you are set for shopping at Kmart. If you don’t live on Fantasy Island, you may need a backup (price match) plan.
Any other CARS items including leftover Kmart CARS Day diecasts plus any other CARS items are buy one, get the 2nd 50%.
The big three retailers (Walmart, Target & TRU will price match but only on the $.99 offer – they do not honor BOGO X offers).
HOWEVER, the ad is poorly worded or rather it’s poorly designed (first question – do you get a second diecast at $.49 at Kmart? It does not say CARS 2 “basic” diecasts are not included as it’s obvious a CARS item? Let us know if you win the $.50 battle).
Part II is the ad might be confusing to price match at other retailers since they do not honor the BOGO and as the block of text is all jammed together, you might just be forced into a battle of wits with a name tag at Wm, Target or TRU (insert your own joke here). My advice, cut out the ad so it looks like this below. 🙂
Let clarity be your friend.
Or after you clear the shelf today, YouTube yourself trying to get a price adjustment tomorrow. Let us know how your adventure goes … 🙂
Thanks for the heads up and early ad scan “toomsterev.”
A little easier is Walmart’s sale price on CARS Toons Take Flight at $5 – and yes, Target & TRU will price match.
Thanks “bubba101212” for the WM screensnap and heads up.
Happy shopping. Pssh, don’t show this to our Canadian close to the border friends, they might wonder why 5 kilometers means 1 CAR for $4.99 CAD but maybe 2 for $1.48 USD … maybe it’s the metric thing …

I was able to use the Kmart ad at the local Meijer store… not only did they match the 99 cent price, I was also able to take advantage of this week’s Meijer special – buy 2 get 1 free! I bought 24 2013 case C and D singles at Meijer… and 32 Porto Corsa Cars at the local Kmart… going to try again later this week.
This deal was a total bust today in Rancho Cordova, CA. I left armed with the K-Mart ad and several extra copies. K-Mart had a total of 4 singles; 1 McQueen and 3 Francescos, so I passed. WalMart had between 30 and 35 Francescos – period – passed again. Target, on the other hand had Wingo and DJ with Flames, Security McQueen, You Da Bomb Mater and Krate Rainson-Wash. Unfortunately, due to “New Corporate Policy”, they would only sell me one at the matched price. So I selected Krate, which rang up at $6.99, which they said they would not match, since it is a “Licensed Oversized Cars2” and not a regular one. I questioned that also, and suggested that they had it under the wrong DPCI code, since it was in their display with the “regular singles”, but they were adamant that they could not price match Krate, but they would price match any one of the others I had.
Something of a waste of time to save a couple dollars on 1 car!
Has anyone else had any similar experience at Target?
Is Krate considered an oversized item anywhere else ?
(MET: Someone else said that was Target’s new policy … 🙁 … yea, Krate seems to be an issue, someone who is bored might send Target CONTACT US a heads up but otherwise …).
Yea my Kmart and TRU here in Metro Atlanta area do not have the 2013 white package models but they do have the bath series and micro drifters. Maybe late in ordering. TRU still has the 2013 radiator springs series but are not releasing very many new ones.
hit the jackpot at Walmart today – I’ll be bringing them back tomorrow with the Kmart ad for a price adjustment. Hopefully this sale is a sign of things to come at all stores – though it does make sense for Kmart to do this sale – in my area not a whole lot has moved at my local store.
Kmart’s photographer must have picked up that Lightning at Target; our Kmarts have never had 2013 Cars.
Last week’s $1.99 Kmart sale did nothing to clear out a large backlog of unsold singles.
All the better for price matching since it looks like what Target and Walmart have in stock right now. If it was the Porto Corsa cardback in the ad, they may not price match.