Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecasts: Galloping Geargrinder Arrives at Walmart!
It’s a miracle! A new CAR character not a repaint actually arrives at Walmart – what was the last one? Last year?
Matt B actually found Galloping Geargrinder at WM!
How can you tell if your WM got the Y CASE? (Besides finding Galloping Geargrinder?) …
The new cases pretty contain only the new no-diecut straight edge cards (as seen above) with RT Luigi & Guido, Carlo Maserati or Vlad Trunkov as ones still on the pegs that might offer you a clue (other CARS in CASE Y have gotten recent releases such as Francesco on the no-cut cards so it’s harder to tell).
It’s nice Galloping’s lantern, pick and shovel are separate pieces – sweet!
Thanks, “Matt B.” for the nice photo.

Anyone in Cali finding these? I’ve gone to 3 Walmarts, nothing. 3 Targets, nothing. Either someone’s got to them before me or they haven’t hit the Walmarts around me.
(MET: I haven’t seen any in NoCal …)
Met I’m not sure if I understand your post correctly but the two cases I saw opened at WM both had a mix of cut and uncut cards. There were two of galloping geargrinders in each case no chase :-(.
Yeah, I’ll agree, I found the same case a few times and found some weren’t straight. Take Luigi and Guido for example- two of them were on straight cards with “Race Team” in front of their names, the other three were not straight- but had a mix of Race Team and just plain “Luigi and Guido”.
the geargrinder on the other hand, continues to elude me. I don’t have enough time/gas/patience to keep the hunt up at this point. I cant neglect my other duties forever, how do people do it?! I visited 3 walmarts and 3 targets over the past few days and I just need a break.
Nothing at my Walmart but a couple of lonely pegwarmers…
Found one of these at Target in Indianapolis today! Just one on the pegs… they had a couple Hydraulic Ramone’s, a Raoul, and a Vladimir Trunkov.
Thanks for the Target heads up. I will have to check a few. It’s the first I am hearing of any other stores besides Wally’s getting them.
Great finds by all… it’s a great Car…
In east-central Indiana and western Ohio, nothing newer than 2012 singles case A at any Walmart… I was hoping we’d have started seeing the special endcaps from the canceled cases by now.
John in Missouri – you don’t mind if those of us in Indiana and Ohio start sobbing now that you’ve stopped, do you?
Of course not, live it up!
“A new CAR character not a repaint actually arrives at Walmart – what was the last one? Last year?”
Officer Murikami has been showing up at our Walmarts, no Galloping Gear grinders yet. Victor Hugo was new this year too.
Does anyone else think with a little adjustment too GGG that he could be Stanley?
Don’t remember him from the movie.
When McQueen returns from racing to Radiator Springs, Mater takes McQueen to have some fun. One of their adventures was riding the rails on their rims! As they went into a tunnel it sounded like a freight train was coming … McQueen and Mater PANIC, turn around and then haul bumper the other way … turns out it was just GGG coming!! Dag gum! LOLOL
As soon as I heard these hit locally, I started looking for them and was finding the remains of case Y at a bunch of Walmarts. Luckily I found 2 on Thursday. My second one got traded that day, so I checked another store on my way to work yesterday. Found 2 more! Both of those are traded now too. Reminds me of 2 years ago when I first started trading and I kept finding Chase Signature McQueen and Yeti w/ Snow Cones. Trading multiples of those 2 cars really built our collection up.
Found 3 so far. Geargrinder is really cool. Very reminiscent of Lizzie.
I found two (2) Race Team Luigi & Race Team Guido last night at a Walmart about 30 miles from home. Thinking they were remnants of the case with Bindo & Wheeliam, I was very sad. Reading this post this morning, I am now sobbing uncontrollably.
Well my sobbing has ended! Just found my first two!
so sobbing works!!!! I will start RIGHT NOW!!!!!! LOLOL
I can’t believe I’m actually saying this but retail is actually getting better. Sure Target is definitely not my first hunting location, but Walmart always has good stuff for me.
Anyone found any remnants of Case Q or Cartney yet?
I have one GGG—its really great—finding one in the wild would rekindle the spirit of the hunt.