Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Singles CASE Y – Back in the Shipping Groove
Singles CASE Y is shipping … it was dead but now it’s back … hey, that was last week – things change on a dime …
So, Galloping Gear Grinder is back, baby … and a lot of Lightning McQueen’s …
CASE Y is the altered twin case of CASE J which had the Russian Chase – Vitaly Petrov – instead, we get 1 Professor Z who actually hasn’t been released in a while.
Thanks for the heads up, Rob’s Palace of Disney CARS.
As of now, it’s not 100% known what is going on with the ULTIMATE CHASES … just wait a few minutes, it could change again.
« Freedom’s Just Another Word For … Cinnabon? | Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Take Flight: No Hogwash, it’s Propwash … » |

Just when you think its safe to go hunting again, 22 pegwarmers per case….keep it Mattel!
20 — Luigi & Guido have always been hot sellers.
A friend sent me Galloping Geargrinder on August 31st.
One of the very best Cars 2 diecasts.
The hunt is on! Found Prince Wheeliam last week, now to find Geargrinder!
Hope we can all find a Geargrinder eventually, and I’m glad that it will be somewhat available.
I am glad that Geargrinder is back,whooohoooooo!!!!!!!!
1 new Car, Galloping Geargrinder… no Super Chase… no Chase… What in the world is Mattel thinking? I don’t want to know…