Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Piston Cup Garage Out (V1?)
The Piston Cup Garage playset is out – pics from “Nikko,” my guess is it’s found at TRU?
It’s a nice kid’s playset …
And yes, the McQueen in this set is plastic …
It does feature a landing pad for the helicopters …
And if this playset makes it to the UK, they will have to change that pesky elevator word …
There was a second listing for a Piston Cup Garage playset for Costco or Sam’s Club so we might see a variant on this later this year? One rumor was that it was a Tokyo Mater one so maybe we’ll see slightly different decorations?
And not to be an annoying adult but are there even garages in CARSLAND? Wouldn’t they be called a hotel? Or I suppose a shed and storage facility for your old ‘shell?’
I think we’ll need to form separate committees divided out as such …
The Hotel is the Only Acceptable Answer Committee
The Committee to Overthrow the Hotel is the Only Acceptable Answer Committee
The Sub-Committee on Dough Snacks for the Meetings to Bring Committee
The Who Cares As Long as Its Ransburg Committee
The Committee to Elect Committee Leaders
The Committee to Determine if the Helipad is in scale to the different helicopters
The Committee to Determine if in CARSLAND a helicopter would feel the need to land on an abutment overlooking a building.
The Committee to Determine if the use of the word Abutment constitutes corrupts the youth.
The Committee to thank ‘Nikko’ for the nice pictures.
hello all–thought i would check in and see whats going on–
im starting to see a few rubber tire gask-its on ebay, so i guess he will be on the next kmart days list???
any info would be great–hope everyone is doing well
also–has kmart released a date for the next one????
October 16th
Reminds me of the classic FP one. That one works okay with the cars, but this one looks much nicer.
Mater’s Tall Tales, the video game! Interesting?
Question. Is the garage in this link a prototype or is this version 2? No Tokyo Mater stuff though.
I’ll volunteer for the “The Committee to Overthrow the Hotel is the Only Acceptable Answer Committee.” The answer can only be MOtor hoTEL, commonly abbreviated as MOTEL …
And all Taker 5ers should automatically become members of “The Committee to thank ‘Nikko’ for the nice pictures.” Thanks Nikko.
Saw it here too in Utah, I didnt even think to look twice as it looked goofy
Saw this at a couple of TRU stores the last couple of days… Decided to pass for now – $39.99 is just too much money for something that’s not a playset from the movie…
I’d love other buildings to go with Luigi’s, Flo’s, Ramone’s, and Lizzie’s.. I have the Disney store mini’s Courthouse and Mater’s.
I agree. I am making my ownas i dont think they will make more playsets this late on from the film. i dont think they will be made for cars 2 either as it is a world championship and wont be set in raditor springs.
Does the bell go “ding” as the elevator passes each floor? Gee, I hope so!
Me too!!!