TakeFiveADay Disney MINI Contest Winner!
It’s Micky!
Micky wins! (naturally, with a name like Micky! 🙂 ).
To win the Exclusive Mickey Lightning McQueen & Minnie Sally Disney resort playmat generously donated by Fiddlehead of Maine, you had to regale us with your Disneyland/World/Resort story … of the best stories, Fiddlehead selected the best of the best and because it’s so hard to pick a specific one, we fired up the ole Random Number Generator – winner – MICKY!
Her story …
Let me start with some background info. We were/are big Toy Story/Toy Story 2 fans. We started collection Toy Story toys when the first movie came out and continued right through the second movie (can’t wait for TS3!). As was our routine on our trips to WDW, we always went to Hollywood Studios (then MGM) to check on any new Toy Story toys out and to visit Al’s Toy Barn to wait in line to take pictures with Woody & Buzz, usually the only character there. We were never lucky enough to ever see Bullseye up close and personal, although we were told that he sometimes made a surprise visit to Al’s. As we got to the place in the path where you make a turn and see Al’s, we both screamed out together, Bullseye, Bullseye, Bullseye!!! There he was alone, with only his handler and a Green Army Man for company. No one else, not another living soul was in that area. We ran like two 5 year olds up to him calling his name. Bullseye, we’re so glad to meet you, we said. We loved you in Toy Story 2 LOL.
It was a “magical” moment. One you can only image happening at Disney. We spend about 5 minutes alone with Bullseye, taking pictures and making jokes with him (he didn’t talk back LOL) and his handler.
In all the trips we’re made to WDW since that day, we have never again seen Bullseye (except in a parade) but we will always remember the day we got to spend time with him.
I put photos up on our Flickr pool page. Also, I have to explain. Even though my name is Micky, I’m the one in the pink shirt LOL. Micky is a nickname I picked up while selling shoes at Penney’s during my college days. Yes, the Cars are my collection. I’ve loved cars for as long as I can remember
Thanks all for entering, congrats Micky and thanks Fiddlehead for a great gift!
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cute story… I used to be a character photographer at Hollywood Studios.. and at ALS TOY BARN. bullseye never came out at ALS TOY BARN. and now they have moved to PIXAR PLACE and its ONLY BUZZ AND WOODY with stands of rex and hamm. green army men go out an about in front of the new TOY STORY MANIA RIDE. but bullseye can only be seen at the parades now and COWBOY CAMP at the Magic Kingdom.
Congrats, Micky-Dude-Micky!!!!
That’s awesome!
Sweet story too!!!
Makes me wanna watch Toy story part deux!!!
go micky!
I’d like to thank the Academy… oh wait that’s the wrong acceptance speech. Thanks Fiddlehead for the great prize. Thanks to all for the congrats! I enjoyed reading all the Disney stories. It truly is a magical place for kids of all ages!
Fiddlehead email me at carsdiecast70 at yahoo.com with the delivery details.
cute micky! i used to be one of the photopass photographers at ALS TOY BARN…. you were VERY LUCKY to see bullseye… HE NEVER COMES OUT ANYMORE!!!!!
bravo Micky!!
YAY you !!! SCORE!!!
CONEgrats!! Such a great prize!
I’m glad you’re not mad at me for being a girl LOL 😉
Are you kidding?? Now I like ya MORE!!!
Isn’t it great how Disney brings out the child in you and for those few moments nothing else in the world matters! 😀
congratulations micky. A Perfect winner!
Of course, I am first to congratulate Micky for the fine story and for winning.
chuki mama on the inside by a nose
Congrats Micky!! 😀