Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Piston Cup Racer Checklist – March 2009
For those collecting the Piston Cup racers outside the MSOS set or collecting a second set outside the MSOS set, here is an updated checklist. It is not vastly different from the one from January – some minor changes with the Pit Race Off launchers and the Lightyear Launchers … and indirectly related, more haulers through 2009 listed.
This graphic is shrunken down to fit into this web template but you can drag it off to print it at full size …
Everything either already released or scheduled to be released is listed with a HIGHWAY SIGN. The Blue Star indicates a release with real synthetic tires (Kmart CARS Day II on June 20, 2009). Haulers, Semis and Pitty’s are listed to the right for informational purposes. Non Piston Cup related CARS (or Haulers) are NOT listed on this checklist.
Faux Wheel Drive re-release is not technically a US release but can be obtained from the EU.
The 4 CARS in gray are NOT scheduled to be re-released in the US in 2009 FOR NOW.
Gask-Its was supposed to be the next TRU promo CAR but that promo was canceled. It might return in Fall. No definitive word yet.
The next release will most likely be launchers.
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Buy both? Of course I did! Still haven’t heard anything of this variation. I guess that makes it an error until others start poping up! I’ll try to get some photos taken soon so I can share!
I’ll buy it from you!
I just purchased some new Cars at a Wal Mart in California. Patti, Todd, Andrea and the chase car Lightning McQueen with the clamped wheel were new to me.
I put everything new in my cart and then decide which ones I want and which ones I don’t.
There were 5 Patti to choose from so I was checking them to see which ones were in the best shape. What I notices wasn’t the condition but the variation! Four of the cars all had silver center in the wheels (hudcaps) like the picture, but one had black wheels.
I haven’t been able to find anything regarding this variation. Is this a variation or an error?
Should have defintitely bought one of each version, until the verdict is in…think this is the first notice of this…if you did, someone here will omst like want it…probably an error, but if many are spotted, could be a variant!
What format is the Vitoline Crew Chief gonna be released in?
Did i miss a post? Cos that one definitly ain’t in my collectors guide (aka my bible!)
how do i download this checklist?
right-click & save picture as…. OR
or send me your email and I can send it to you!! I am always here to help
Ok, I decided not to wait the full 24 hours for the symbols update as your countless emails has persuaded me that there are actually people out there who really dont know what the symbols represent.
Here we go with “Typing symbols with Jim volume 2”
& this symbol means and, because typing the word and is much harder than hitting shift and reaching all the way up to the #7!
* this symbol is an asterik… used to denote the use of steroids in many major league baseball statistics (note from editor) You will not see one in front of any Cubbies players!
( this symbol is a parentheses
) this symbol is part 2 of a parentheses use these in conjuction with one another and periods and you can make cool things that are currently unpublishable on this site!
– this symbol is a dash, not to be confused with the underscore
= this symbol is an equal sign, which can be used to show similarities between two things, for an example, Jim = carscrazy
In tomorrows lesson we will begin the tedious ardious journey of learning how to use our symbols to create useful and original pictures!
Come back to the same Cars channel at the same Cars time!!
that was nice!! not as nice as my new avatar, but nice!!
Is that Mrs. Jim? π
no, mrs Jim is better looking and has a personality
that is a “nice” avatar indeed. wish i knew how to add one. cubs fan hey, being a braves fan gotta thank you guys for maddux. the best all around pither of all time. pitching and defense.
its “asterisk” for those interested in knowing what the symbols mean and ALSO how to spell πΏ
oops that was supposed to be π
Did anyone else just experience the horror I wen through? Take5aDay was unavailable for the past 30 minutes or so! AHHHHHHH!!!
(MET: Yea, not us – our web host servers went down).
That would be horrifying!
What did you do for that 30 minutes?????
I sweated a lot, went through convulsions, and drank about 8 liters of Red Bull.
Wow! Is your heartbeat more of a flutter now? And was the sweating and convulsions pre- or post- Red Bull?
Everything is okay now.
MAILER-DAEMON ERROR: John in Missouri is napping under his office desk right now, please check back in six hours.
Great! Thought I was the only one who did that!
I love Red Bull
Do you want to share a Red Bull
Reeeeed Buuuuuuuuull
RRRReeeeed Bbbbbuuuuuullll
I am more of a MONSTER energy drinker myself. Though I first started with Red Bull when these energy drinks first started coming out. Like them both. When you usually sleep an average of about 4 hours (3 kids), you kinda of need it.
I thought it was my computer! I restarted it 3 times!
same here. i thought it was my computer. but i guess that’s what happens when Met decides to take a 30 minute break. π
Oh i am soOO sorry john….Met and I were discussing what wood happen if he blocked you for a day…I told him 1/2 hour…I guess he listened to me…for now!!
Did you head actually explode, or was is more metaphysical?
did you ever see jack nicholson near the end of one flew over the cuckoo’s nest that is how i feel right now
Yeah, I though Matty finally hacked the site and abducted MET…was waiting for the ransom note…”One Million He-Man Dolls” (pinky in mouth ala Dr. Evil)
A couple of weeks ago, I visited this toy site called Entertainment Earth. I am registered there but have only ordered once. I decided to look up CARS items and found this very interesting case that was up for pre-order. The assortment was tremendous but was unsure about it. It seemed to good to be true. Now as it turns out (thanks to Met’s post for upcoming H J and K case releases), it has become apparent to me that this case on pre-order is the KMART CARS DAYS 2 CASE. Interesting how this pre-order is expected to be filled by May and the KMART Cars day 2 is till June 20th. If this is a KMART exclusive, how come an Internet store will apparently have it first? Here is the link for all interested.
(MET: Someone gets handed a list and is told to input them … so it’s not usually very accurate (ie: Target haulers) …).
Yeah, I wouldn’t rely on this information too much. They will have 4 or 5 revisions to this case before it is actually released.
They are fairly competitive store on buying cases though. If you use live .com cashback link, you can get 9% off your orders. They will run free shipping promos every once in a while too.
Yeah their prices seem very competitive. They even say that they can match any other competitors price if their’s is above. I gotta check out that cashback link. Thanks for the heads up on that.
From what I heard from the last/1st KMART DAYS event, KMART was actually selling their exclusive cases online. Based on this, I can only assume, that maybe Entertainment Earth is planning on buying several cases from them and reselling them on their site. Then again they always say that their pre-orders are “subject to change” so who knows. Got to frequently check the KMART site as the event nears just in case. It’s a case worth buying as a whole as most of the assortment is of “new” cars. Wish all were like that.
Pre-Order now and we’ll deliver in May 2009 (estimated date / subject to change).
yeah exactly.
Hi to all! Though I have frequently been visiting this site to keep up to date in everything “CARS” related like many do, this is the first time that I actually registered and decided to post. You will be hearing a lot from me. Looking forward to many pleasant and informative interactions with all registered.
(MET: Welcome to the CARS craziness! π ).
Thanks Met! Nice to find a group of people that are as crazy as I am about collecting CARS. I feel right at home.
Yes, Welcome! Weekly $500 membership dues should be made payable to me please…
check made out to “ME” on it’s way. thanks daddyo! jeje.
Vitoline is not supposed tobe at K-Mart Day 2. It will be Vitoline Pitty.
Just glancing at the list, Transberry Juice, SideWall Shine, View Zeen and others are not getting any love from Mattel other than the car itself. Pittys, Crew chiefs, haulers not listed. Wish they would sell a box set with the Pitty, Crew Chief ,and hauler for them.
So anyone know what has happened to the JL series? March is gone, and still nothing on Matty.
Apparently I am an idiot. Can someone explain the symbols to me?
there is always someone here who can help, this time it happens to be me!
Ok, here we go.
! this is an exlamation point. it is normally used to show extreme emotion
@ this takes the place for at, since you know how much extra work it is to type a T
# this is a number sign
$ the almighty dollar!!
% this means a percentage
^ this way is up
OK as awful as this is I did laugh when I read it. I think there is a post somewhere that explains the different symbols. I will post if I find it.
It’s in this post – third paragraph.
Crazyforcars, I’m looking forward to the next installment of your tutotrial!
next installment is up and running!!
OK now I am just looking and did you actually read the post?
Everything either already released or scheduled to be released is listed with a HIGHWAY SIGN.
The Blue Star indicates a release with real synthetic tires (Kmart CARS Day II on June 20, 2009).
Haulers, Semis and Pittyβs are listed to the right for informational purposes.
Non Piston Cup related CARS (or Haulers) are NOT listed on this checklist.
I am torn regarding the ‘upgraded’ PC racers with the synthetic tires…..
I am seriously considering passing on these…………ARGHHHHHHHHH!! What to do………….what to do………..
Thanks MET for the list.
My thinking is who realy cares…if they cost the same, buy them! A Tach-O-Mint is a tach-O-Mint and will taste the same either way! Open em, enjoy, play with em, smash em and crash em!!
smash em and crash em….. I cringed just reading it, just like I do at home when the little guys crashes his.
But it still hurts a little inside.
Thanks! I needed an updated list.