Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: TJ – Now a Bigger Carbon & Metal Footprint – YES!
There’s not a lot wrong with the Mattel Disney Pixar 1:55 series diecasts but there were two problemos …size wise.
(Sarge non-distribution distribution is another issue).
As you see here, from the film, Sarge is right sized as the WWII Army Jeeps were not big … and in the film, TJ is a the size he should be – large.
However, the diecast of Sarge is a big large (understandable, they didn’t want you to feel cheated out of feeling that Sarge might be too small) but we will trade canonocity for less metal if that’s what it takes … and conversely, TJ is way too small.
And prior to the megasize line release they had an excuse – can’t fit. Must go small but now, no excuses and again, nice that TJ will be re-launched as he should be – larger than life, more apt and sized as he should be and the big carbon & metal footprint 🙂
Overloaded with details – excellent as always …
Environmentalists might wonder – too nice? 🙂
And of course, gotta have the govenornator parked next to new TJ …
And once we solve the mystery of the mystery of Sarge disappearing … and more SUV’s for Sarge’s Boot Camp … we can go back to wondering about the Apple CAR 🙂
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Hey Met,
This gets me thinking about a discussion we hade a few months ago about what would be considered ‘retired cars’ in this diecast line, and the three we came up with were the original sized Fred, the original sized Barney Stormin’ and what you referred to as “Clown Lips Darrel Cartrip” Should we now throw the original TJ onto that list now as well? Can’t think of any reason why he’d be back in the original smaller sizing.
(MET: Working on that post – come back tomorrow Thursday? 🙂 ).
so if new comes with tuf gue, does that make tough guy the variant on the original?
(MET: Generally, the corrected one becomes the “main one,” and the incorrect one is labeled the variant – even as in this case, there is more likely many more of the TUF GUE ones).
ov corse when they made large fred for regular line he was regular price
and then when they made him really tiny hes still the same price…but when they take tj and go from tiny to big…they just cant loose money when making smalller cars cheeper.
hey lets get a varient dirty rims tj!
this is so AWESOME THANKS MET!!!
Well, at least we know what iamspeed’s source was! (See comments for earlier post “My name is indigo blu ray mcqueen…You killed my reputation and I…”)
Not even close……….
I’ve seen this before, though.
I didn’t think TJ could get much more detailed!!!
He could be wearing the correct lift kit. Ahh, but an H2 is an H2 is an H2. Can’t wait.
John in Missouri, your prices are right on the money, literally.
if they think that sarge being the correct size would be too small then maybe they should include the missle trailer thing he tows when MQ has the nitevision goggles on with it,
just like the pittys come with tool chest and tires and luigi comes with guido…just a thought…
luigi comes with guido in 2-pack..=(
I’ve read on other sites that relaunched sarge and correct size TJ will be a part of a set with the other SUVs from the end of the movie. It will be called Sarge’s Boot Camp and will go for about $30.
This one seems more likely. matty exclusive? Although for $30 I would highly doubt that.
No, it’s supposed to be a retail item, $30 being the minimum it will go for(price has not been set)…TJ, the other 3 SUVs, and Sarge in a 5 pack, supposedly around September.
I’ll put my money on 34.99. Any takers? 🙂
My predictions:
Wal Mart $29.97
Target $31.99
Toys R Us $32.99
Kmart $34.99
Kohls $41.95
By the way, WHAT other Cars sites???? 😆
Boscov. com Every once in a while will find some good deals there.
Is there not meant to be a Movie Moment pack coming out with Sarge and TJ? Will these be a new rescaled smaller Sarge and a new rescaled larger TJ? It would make sense from the average metal per car point of view!
I have a feeling this MM is gonna get cancelled now.
darn lol
another reason to keep sarge off the shelves!
ive only seen sarge once but he was packed with ramone fillmore and somone and i already had thoose so i just waited for him found as single…never happened and of corse i dont buy cars online,i just dont.
ive had many dreams about finding him….lol,seriously.
Man, I’m good! 😉
Would also explain the new facial expression as that was from the Moment in the movie with Sarge!
As I said in an earlier comment:
I read that TJ will be part of a 5 pack with Sarge and the other 3 SUVs. $30 plus range, early fall release.
Thanks for the info Met!
TJ and Sven look fantastic. I drive a 2007 4-door Jeep Sahara Wrangler Unlimited so I have a soft spot for the off-road Cars. Can’t wait till they come out so I…umm…I mean, my son can drive them thru the mud! 🙂
I read that TJ will be part of a 5 pack with Sarge and the other 3 SUVs. $30 plus range, early fall release.
very interesting . . . MET chime in anytime now . . . we are waiting!!
Man, I’m gettin’ DIRT in my rims! I’ve never been off-road before!
That is such a GREAT line, esp the way it is delivered!! nice quote!
Drop and give me 20 miles!
The Hummer is so perfect for the Governator. I remember meeting him at Los Alamitos Airfield a few years ago. He flew in on a Chinook and was being escorted to a speech by Hummer. He made the soldier who was driving get in the passenger seat. Then he gets behind the wheel and just floors it. Which for a hummer is not very fast, but it was pretty funny. Sven will always remind me of that day.
Nice to see TJ rescaled, he will go right next to The Governator and Sarge of course.
Met and anyone who knows:
Over on the trading forum it was posted that the original WalMart TJ with the new snipe was not found with the correct Tuf Guy license plate.
Brandon’s Drive Inn Gallery says it was. I could never find one. Mine on card has the new label with the TUF GUE plate, and the other card with the TUF GUY license plate does not have the new snipe. Just wondering.
(MET: I can’t confirm but I’m resuming Brandon is correct … maybe this month, I will dig out all my CARS to re-photograph so i can confirm some other things).
Met, that would be great of you to do. Just never saw a new swipe Tuf Guy, and based on the dates on mine I think that the error of the spelling was corrected when the later cards came out. That is assuming the new swipe was first, which it was on my cardbacks dates.
The newer date was 2377 EA without new
The ones with new were dated 2047, a month earlier.
If Brandon says it was, then show me the photo! I don’t believe it was.
I wonder too, cause Brandon’s photo on his website does not show the car plate on TJ with the TUF GUY plate. Just the cardfront.
Looks great, and I can’t wait to see *all* of the SUVs in the Megasized line up. If that other rumor is indeed true. ;D
It’s Mattel’s ‘Shock and Awe’ campaign.
They’re gonna shock and awe us with these new ‘metal marvels,’ so that they cloud our judgement, and try to make us forget our needs for an Apple Car.
looks like the smile changed to a frown too
Looks more like fear to me!! LOL
I’ve never been off road . . . definately FEAR!!!
So, will he be relaunched this year??