Article Archive for 28 December 2008

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 28 December 2008
Stats: and 43 Comments
Sally with Cone shows the dedication of Martin A. & his team at Mattel to getting it right. It seems simple enough – it’s an older release, just glue a traffic cone on her head and slap a new label on it … maybe other diecast companies do this or maybe even other divisions at […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Internet, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 28 December 2008
Stats: and 19 Comments
For anyone who wants to introduce themselves, step right up and answer these questions three (or more) (or make up your own- we’re not picky other than answering the FIRST one so we know who you are) 🙂 SIGNIN NAME? BIO? WHEN DID YOU START? WHAT WAS THE FIRST CAR YOU GOT? HOW LONG BEFORE […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Internet, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 28 December 2008
Stats: and 34 Comments
For anyone who wants to introduce themselves, step right up and answer these questions three (or more) (or make up your own- we’re not picky other than answering the FIRST one so we know who you are) 🙂 SIGNIN NAME? BIO? WHEN DID YOU START? WHAT WAS THE FIRST CAR YOU GOT? HOW LONG BEFORE […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Internet, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 28 December 2008
Stats: and 22 Comments
1/10 of a Score and 8 months ago, CARS the diecast line began. Other than sharks with lasers, we have it all. We have highly sought after limited editions and we have pegwarmers. We have controversy and complete agreement. It’s art, it’s fun on wheels, it’s class, it’s cool, but bottom line, what is my […]