Article Archive for 9 November 2008

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 9 November 2008
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The short card “Lane Mates” are certainly an odd duck portion of the line. In theory, by having shorter cards, stores can hang more pegs and hence, more sales per square pegboard and while Mattel doesn’t save much on cardboard, you times $.001 cents by a couple million and it adds up … except that […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 9 November 2008
Stats: and 119 Comments
In theory, if you bought all 17 CASES for World of CARS, you’d wind up with 306 CARS or 76 different CARS (which includes the “extra” versions of #44 Fred (re-scaled) & Darrell Cartrip (mouth fix)). Of course, technically, it would have been hard to actually buy a full case of M and the two […]

Posted in Advertising, collecting, diecast, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Retail, Toys, TV on 9 November 2008
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It looks safe to say that World of CARS is over and here is a final recap. So, if you are keeping track: 95 World of CARS releases for completists including cards with the NEW snipe. 76 World of CARS official releases.* 37 World of CARS new to World of CARS cards.* 31 World of […]