Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Pre CARS 3 – 2017 Deluxe & 2-Pack Preview
Thanks, “Jacob H.” for the heads up.
Deluxe Radiator Springs Classics 2017 – It does look we are just getting the cabs re-released for Gil, Chet Boxkaar, Ben Crankleshaft, Paul Valdez, and Jerry Recycled Batteries – no trailers.
In the regular Deluxe Series,Vinyl Toupee Hauler cab “returns” with one new Semi Cab release – Transberry Juice.
The Mack in the Deluxe series is missing a trailer hitch hole versus the Mack in the hauler series so will the ones that used to be “haulers,” will the re-released 2017 versions/variants be missing a hitch hole? Or will trailers be available in some other format?
The green SUV is Charlie Cargo – he looks like he has a segmented face as was the last release. This is his first release as a single – previously available only in a box set.
The two-packs show below are all re-releases as singles or in other 2-packs but in new 2017 2-pack configurations.
The 3-pack features Jonas Revera (the blue CAR), Greta (maybe a unibody?) and presumably Old School Ramone (flat windshield variant?)

Blue Mildred Bylane is cool. Having to go to Toysrus to get him. Not cool.