Mattel Disney PIxar Cars: 2017 Diecasts Pull In
Thanks “Scott M.” for the heads up and great photos.
As others have reported, some 2017 Themes diecasts have started to show (CARS and CARS 2 only, of course).
Technically, it’s a little late but of course, 2017 will be a good unique year with the release of CARS 3 diecasts … presumably the CARS 3 diecasts themes will join this lineup look with new “banners.”
There is a new release!
Wilmar Flatz was the only diecast released as a lenticular and never released as a classic fixed eye version – well, here she is.
And Petro Cartalina’s 2-pack was never officially released in the US but here he is as a single. Matti has been released in several box sets and as a Final lap single but I believe this is his first appearance as a mainline single.
For trivia buffs, Matti was the last numbered single – #165 … they have released about 900 singles since then. 🙂
This is also the first appearance of Alloy Hemberger as a single (previously box set) and PF Flea (previously only in the 2-pack). FLIK is coming as a single also.
And some returning old favorites, classics and releases not available for a couple years like Cartney & Tubbs Pacer with Paint Spray.
Plus more PC Racers with flat windshields (presumably).
New cardbacks – nothing too revealing but still a nice assortment.
Thanks “Scott M.”

I almost missed this 2017 Austin Littleton, the front has No Apple Logo & the pic of the car is bigger so you see all 4 of the red pitty in background. The back has 2016 date with pics of cars. These transition cars are so hard to get
1. Typically female Cars have black eyelash arcs on the eyes.
To indicate gender. Though there have been exceptions.
2. There were many lenticular Chase Cars. That have yet to
be released as fixed eye variants.
I think some of these mark the very end of 2016 and some are new 2017s.
For example, the “Piston Cup” theme logo and card art did not change, but the 2016 Piston Cup cars are 14 to the series and the 2017 Piston Cup cars are 11 to the series.
Met, it would really help if you would always list the series theme and numbers going forward.
you know a person named wilmar???
Wilmar is a guy, not a girl. It notes in one of the Cars books that he has a crush on one of the Miata Twins.
(MET: I thought Wilmar is a girl’s name?)
From the Cars Finder Game:
“Do fans have fans? Well Lightning McQueen’s two superfans Mia and Tia do. Wilmar Flattz met Mia and Tia at a McQueen fan club event last season and he’s been smitten ever since. Once Wilmar actually gathered up the nerve to ask Tia what time it was. Her answer, “Quarter to three, I think” is a treasured memory he plays in his head over, and over.”
Wilma is a girl.
Wilmar is a boy.