Mattel Disney Planes Fire & Rescue: The Secret Launch
Strange launch of a mini-major property, Planes Fire & Rescue … there seems to be no street date and no one at Mattel seems to admit there’s a street date or a hold-by date for product … so it’s out … unless it’s not out.
Plus as you can tell, not everything has arrived. The June 1 date is about right – about 6 weeks before the film comes out (the normal merchandise arrival) so that’s not off … I have not seen anything in NorCal yet … these are from “John H.” in SoCal – thanks!
Is it a failure to launch in your area?
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Last Sunday the 1st, right when we arrived at TRU that had just finished putting a couple new cases of singles and deluxes.
All Targets have the endcap here.
Walmarts in western Houston are at 50% for the sidekick or pallet display, 2 Walmarts have nothing as of last night.
I haven’t looked at Target here in Augusta, GA and both Kmarts are a joke but one of the 6 Walmarts in the immediate area actually had them out the other day and I got them!
In the NYC area all the major retailers put these out already definitely without the fanfare that usually accompanies new movie releases. Guess they don’t really need too. Disney and Mattel are killing it lately. Disney estimates a large increase in merchandise sales this quarter just due to Frozen alone and they have so much more coming including the next Star Wars. They can’t make the toys fast enough without even having to worry about marketing the toys. Just make the movies and the people come.
Thornton, CO
I have seen this display at one of my near by Targets today, June the 5th. I found some of the fire and recuses at Walmart in Aurora. The whole side kick at the Walmart in Commerce city, no one had touched yet, got the ones I needed. Today, I also went to the TRU in Westminster and found all the characters of the 1st series for $5.99 each. They also had the two helicopters at $ 9.99 each. One day dry next day too much to comprehend.
Nothing at TRU, Target, or Walmart in Brossard, QC. My brother found well stocked shelves at TRU in Madison, WI.
My TRU had cases that had the typical Mattel warning. I am pretty sure it said not put out until June 2. I bought them last Friday and the cashier had issues getting them to ring up. I think there was a warning. She was able to waive it and get the sale done anyways!
In my N. Minnesota/E. North Dakota area, 2 WMs had nothing out for F&R, but I found one of the CARS/Planes bins with F&R at the 3rd. A 4th WM had one single sidekick. The Target in Fargo had nothing for F&R also. So indeed I agree it is quite a strange roll-out.
I’m in Nor Cal and I saw that Fry’s Electronics got them in last week, Walmart got them around May 30th, and Target was finally putting up their end cap yesterday. Saw Cad Spinner and other merchandise at a few TRU but either they’ve sold out of singles or haven’t put them out yet.
My friend who is a longtime Cars collector was bemoaning the red stripes on Cad Spinner which were just tape. He was sure his kids would just peel them right off. The local scalper passed on all the singles at Target, so it doesn’t seem like they’ll be that hard to find now. Cheers!
My Toys R US in South East Michigan had them all (singles and deluxes) right next to the
normal Planes pegs, only 1 Mayday left, but tons of all the others.
No Cad Spinner yet, that’s the one I’d like to get anyways
My Target did not have the end cap but they just placed all of the F&R singles on the pegs where the regular Planes were. That worked out since they were mislabeled at $4.94.
My Target did this same endcap Monday morning: 24 “Singles” @ $6.99 each, 5 “Deluxe” @ $9.99 each (an employee must have bought the 6th one), and some higher priced stuff from F&R not pictured above. With the exception of that package containing 3 fires, it looks like John H.’s Target simply moved over some regular Planes stuff to fill the shelves.
As of Tuesday, absolutely nothing had sold, and as of yesterday, someone finally bought 1 “Single”.
Still no signs of life at my nearest Walmart and I haven’t checked Kmart yet.
As I mentioned on another thread, our Target had its end cap set up and fully stocked with singles, plushes, talking deluxes, etc by May 29th. This is the same Target with a multi-case restock of Verns, so who knows what’s going on here?