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Disney Pixar CARS 2: Disney Stores Passport Final Day Saturday

The 4th and final Disney Stores CARS passport day is Saturday, June 25, 2011.

As you might know, if you get all 4 stamps, you get a special gift … do you want to know what it is?

If you don’t want to know – stop reading – otherwise …

It’s a Cars 2 puzzle of the triptych poster with all the characters on it!!! It’s roughly the size of a legal size piece of paper, so it’s not actual poster size or anything, but still cool none the less.

Thanks for the secret scoop, “Disnoid.”

Now I don’t know if they will harsh your mellow if you only have 1-3 of the stamps … maybe you just get a nice pat and “good try there!” Or Mickey will call you Goofus. 🙂


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23 June 2011 Disney Pixar CARS 3, Disney Store 12 Comments


  • Heather says:

    The puzzle made my sons day! He was so happy and he loved looking for all the old and new characters! Best thing ever from the Disney store!

  • quercy says:

    To see the counter ticking with less than 24 hours left is really exciting 🙂

    • John in Missouri says:

      Yes it is!

      Since it’s an East Coast countdown and we’re in the Central Time Zone, I will be able to get some screen shots of it as it winds down to Zero. After that, we can hop in the SUV and head on over to the theater!

    • Shelby says:

      My theater has a showing at midnight tonight (well, 12:01 Friday AM technically) so t-minus 9 hours and 14 minutes.

    • seanrynders says:

      We went to the 12:01am show! WOW! So fun! My son is 4-1/2 years old and he stayed awake the entire time, even dancing to the music during the credits after. At first I felt like a bad father letting him stay up so late but in retrospect I feel like the coolest Dad. I don’t care if he is 4 he can party like a rockstar with me for one special night, right? Seriously, the movie was so much fun and he had a BLAST! I can’t wait to go see it in IMAX 3-D this afternoon. Enjoy it all you fellow T5ers.

      • quercy says:

        At one point I was almost believing I am the one who wrote that because we did the exact same thing… My son is also 4-1/2 (dec 15th 2006) and got a good nap between 5:00 and 6:30 The PRO? We were only 28 in the entire room so we got the best seats! Anyway this is not happening often right? I’m glad we did because the KMArt day was way different for him… and us 🙂

  • John says:

    We’ve been to them all. They’ve been very nice and any kids showing up have routinely been getting retroactive passport stamps.

    • DDD says:

      Has there been another take-away activity as cool as the cardboard Mater (and do we know tomorrow’s)? I got a Mater after-the-fact but haven’t kept up with the other events.

      • John says:

        Mater was the best, last week it was a French flag to decorate with Cars stickers. I think Saturday is London, not sure of the activity. Also Kmart Day and selected Sears stores have a wooden car building workshop. (not “Cars”, just a car) $5/kid.

        By-the-way, Walmart carrys paper fold up Finn, Lightnings and Maters that hold 500 or 600 Cars stickers for about $6.50. Looks very simillar, but larger to the Mater fold up at the Disney store.

  • sidewall74shine says:

    First! Anyway, I didn’t go to those, and I’m not going next time. Prize isn’t that cool. Wouldn’t have been worth my time.

    • Eric says:

      So the activity itself isn’t worth your time, but blogging about it is!

    • Eric says:

      Well, these events were probably the smartest thing the Disney store has done… They got me for $50 to $100 each time. 🙂 Sadly, the event on the west coast coincides with K-Day, but the manager now knows us personally and set our “prize” aside for pickup later in the weekend. My son is excited for the puzzle, and I am excited to pick up the latest racing 4 pack! haha

      Still have 3 hours until showtime out here. Enjoy everyone!

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